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End of the petro dollar.

If China decides to move on Taiwan or Japan, who is stopping them?
US security alliances in the Pacific are quite robust. You can easily find some wonky articles attesting to this in greater detail. I found one from 11/23 in Foreign Policy pretty quickly.

I’m also a firm believer that economic alliances build strong security alliances. Shame the US withdrew from the Trans Pacific Partnership that intended to unify smaller regional economies and act as a bulwark against Chinese economic dominance in the region.
If China decides to move on Taiwan or Japan, who is stopping them?

Perhaps you could have asked “WHEN China moves…”

My thought is China is watching our election run up very carefully. They hope for a Biden victory, believing we will then Neville Chamberlain weasel/waffle/slap hands on the invaders, in the end doing very little to deter/punish/defeat Mainland China’s design for the “22nd” province of China.