Kenetrek Boots

The Devil's Lettuce

That sort of advertising makes me look to other brands as it lessens my confidence in their ability to stay on task making good products.

I have considered talking to a doctor about use for pain relief related to neuropathy isses, but being high is not attractive. I don't have time to be high. Back in the day smoking on Friday would wreck a whole weekend. And they tell me the stuff nowadays is so much more potent former users have no concept of how strong it is.
That sort of advertising makes me look to other brands as it lessens my confidence in their ability to stay on task making good products.

I have considered talking to a doctor about use for pain relief related to neuropathy isses, but being high is not attractive. I don't have time to be high. Back in the day smoking on Friday would wreck a whole weekend. And they tell me the stuff nowadays is so much more potent former users have no concept of how strong it is.
With the advent of medical cannabis, there are specialized strains that emphasize pain relief (CBD), sleep (CBN) and euphoria (THC). And every combination of these 3. Many of my "mature" clients are sold on cannabis for pain relief, and sleep. Hard to imagine cannabis being worse for you than daily opiates or sedatives. I tried a gummy to help w sleep, just felt like a wide awake dirty sock all night. But I still enjoy a good dope song!

Looks like simms deleted the IG post. Wonder if the social media person lost their job?
No, I’m sure they just got exasperated with the ~50 Fudds who commented, clutching their pearls cause when they go down to Fuddingly’s Tackle Shop to get bait or some ammo for their .456 Fuddington Express they shouldn’t have to walk through a cloud of devils smoke dagnabit!!! You know that crap’ll turn ya queer?!?
No, I’m sure they just got exasperated with the ~50 Fudds who commented, clutching their pearls cause when they go down to Fuddingly’s Tackle Shop to get bait or some ammo for their .456 Fuddington Express they shouldn’t have to walk through a cloud of devils smoke dagnabit!!! You know that crap’ll turn ya queer?!?
I think holiday inn express had an 80 percent off sale last night!
And they tell me the stuff nowadays is so much more potent former users have no concept of how strong it is.

i think when some people talk about it, they draw from their use experience from the 60s when they “almost went to Woodstock”, or from the early to mid 70s trying to forget they were living in a recession. The stuff is much more potent now, and there are studies on how it may increase the chance of people esp adolescents experiencing psychosis. (Sorry to be a literal buzzkill.)

i think when some people talk about it, they draw from their use experience from the 60s when they “almost went to Woodstock”, or from the early to mid 70s trying to forget they were living in a recession. The stuff is much more potent now, and there are studies on how it may increase the chance of people esp adolescents experiencing psychosis. (Sorry to be a literal buzzkill.)

A study from 13 years ago. Haha. It even disclaims itself right in the headline

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