The day the Middle Class Died!!!

I'd also like to talk about the corporate give-aways that Walker is responsible for in Wisconsin.

You call them coporate giveaways, we call them incentives for companies to stay here and move from Illinios to Wisconsin, we are creating jobs in Wisconsin right now. Doyle and the dems increased taxes by 2.2 billion in the last budget they had to offer Harley-Davidson 25 million in tax credits to not leave the state, they werent the only ones either. I wasnt on this board then, I trust you brought that up too though, then.
Yeah, sure....Walker is a real champion of the middle class. Taking THEIR tax dollars and distributing those WI tax dollars to his pet corporate buddies that got him elected. Sweetheart deal under the smoke screen of "job creation".

◦Changes to the state’s combined reporting law, which will allow corporations to write off losses before 2009.
2011-13 Cost to Wisconsin taxpayers: $46.4 million
[JFC, Paper #310]

◦Changes to capital gains taxes for certain businesses.
2011-13 Cost to Wisconsin taxpayers: $36.3 million
[JFC, Paper #311]

◦Changes to the Earned Income Tax Credit.
2011-13 Increased taxes for Wisconsin taxpayers: $43.5 million
[JFC, Paper #312]

I guess thats what you get for electing a drop-out with a GPA of 2.59 to run your deserve him.
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GOTV is crucial in every race. For midterms (2010) there was high voter apathy in the moderate-progressive-liberal side, so their efforts were pretty weak. Add a huge amount of spending by conservative and tea party operatives, and you can see the voting patterns shift, especially with a lot of the shady tactics used (on both sides).

It's interesting that there are enough races in play, and polling is showing a decent trend towards the D's to throw a solid R majority in to limbo. The D's only need to win 2 races and they get the senate back. I'm certainly not in the mix, but it looks like there's high voter dissatisfaction with the way the legislature went to shoot any theories of conservative/tea party majorities lasting a long time.
Yeah, sure....Walker is a real champion of the middle class. Taking THEIR tax dollars and distributing those WI tax dollars to his pet corporate buddies that got him elected. Sweetheart deal under the smoke screen of "job creation".

◦Changes to the state’s combined reporting law, which will allow corporations to write off losses before 2009.
2011-13 Cost to Wisconsin taxpayers: $46.4 million
[JFC, Paper #310]

◦Changes to capital gains taxes for certain businesses.
2011-13 Cost to Wisconsin taxpayers: $36.3 million
[JFC, Paper #311]

◦Changes to the Earned Income Tax Credit.
2011-13 Increased taxes for Wisconsin taxpayers: $43.5 million
[JFC, Paper #312]

I guess thats what you get for electing a drop-out with a GPA of 2.59 to run your deserve him.

I dont know the details of that, there are alot of things you left will that create jobs? Will that attract companies here? Your beleif is that all money is the governments money.

I'm still waiting for you to cite a better solution or how what Walker did was bad for the state. If making less money go further, balancing the budget without cutting programs or increasing taxes is a bad thing, more people havent sat across from you at the table. lol

Tom Barrett the democrat opponent also has race riots going on in his city at a state fair he's trying to cover up so I'm not sure how you think he'd of been better, I'd love to hear your insite on how his plan to make us a tax island even in comparison to illinios would help right this state.
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GOTV is crucial in every race. For midterms (2010) there was high voter apathy in the moderate-progressive-liberal side, so their efforts were pretty weak. Add a huge amount of spending by conservative and tea party operatives, and you can see the voting patterns shift, especially with a lot of the shady tactics used (on both sides).

It's interesting that there are enough races in play, and polling is showing a decent trend towards the D's to throw a solid R majority in to limbo. The D's only need to win 2 races and they get the senate back. I'm certainly not in the mix, but it looks like there's high voter dissatisfaction with the way the legislature went to shoot any theories of conservative/tea party majorities lasting a long time.

True, but with pretty lose standards for recalls I dont see it as anything but another tactic by the unions to try and get there money back. People act like what this state did was revolutionary, Indiana did the same thing in the early 2000's if I'm not mistaken and they are much better off now, none of the poltical fear tactics came true either. There's really 2 different ways to handle these problems all you need to do is look at how Wisconsin handled in and is looking better everyday and then look at how our neighbors in Illinios handled there situation and there hurting.

It will take 3 dems to win a majority not 2 and the last polling I looked at was over the weekend by the dailykos of all places that didnt show a decent trend as you suggest. Voter dissatisfaction and confusion are high I'll give you that, everyday more stories come out of more citys and districts coming up with all kinds of money, the fear the unions were pushing was the cuts hwould hurt education, but now all the districts are telling us nothing has changed or they have more money now that they have flexibility to work with there employees, there running out of lies to tell, if the elections were in another few months this wouldnt even be a story, but like I said these are republican districts it all depends on the turnout, because we know the unions will be there.

The really nice thing about this budget no matter what side of the isle you sit on besides us being the 49th state to finally get concealed carry is that, it limited local government and school boards from increasing the property tax levy, without a referendum. And like I said before will force districts and citys to lower the taxes.

Tommorow I'll either be happy with what we got in this state since January and look to the future or I'll be happy with what we got in this state since January and I'll still look to the future, either way this state is a better place for me to live and raise my family than it was back in December of 2010, no amount of politcal rhetoric will change that fact, and in the end thats what we want right? No matter who is in charge.
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Here's an interesting counter point to your analysis:

The really nice thing about this budget no matter what side of the isle you sit on besides us being the 49th state to finally get concealed carry is that, it limited local government and school boards from increasing the property tax levy, without a referendum. And like I said before will force districts and citys to lower the taxes.

No problem with that on my end. People should vote for increased taxes at the local level. That way, you get the education you deserve, along with the politicians you deserve :D
Too much's all to support an opinion, and sided to support just that.

LMAO Stud.

Ya want to succeed in this country? Get yourself a Damn Good Education. Work For It, No Matter What it Takes.....No Matter How Long It Takes......It's out there. MAKE it Happen !

THEN..... Be a "Good" Person, in Spirit, in Life, and at your Job.

WORK ! Don't expect....Put in more than the next guy. DO a superior job to the whining schmuck b!tching about not doing better.

I have overcome a nasty financial divorce, been promoted to a higher position to each career move I've made....wheteher by my choice, or their's..... and more than tripled my income in just 11 yrs.

I dunno.... maybe that's just the kid who joined the Corps at 17 & has too much 'Nam and Desert left in him, barking.

Middle Class America is ALIVE and succeeding. We're just quiet about it and working our a$$e$s to do better for ourselves......NO MATTER WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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No problem with that on my end. People should vote for increased taxes at the local level. That way, you get the education you deserve, along with the politicians you deserve :D

I agree 100%. I get all sorts of dirty looks from fellow conservatives when I advocate for a school board levy or some other kind of local tax initiative. My philosophy is the closer the tax dollar stays to home the happier I am to pay it; the farther away it goes the more likely I am to fight against it.
Its your Governor giving away the taxpayers money...not me.

Try again.

Try what again? My taxes arent going up...Were creating jobs somthing most of the country is struggling with, being competitive and being a place where busisnesses want to be is a good thing. BTW I'm still waiting for you to tell me how race riots and higher taxes for everyone is the answer.
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We retained 3 everyone thought we'd win so far. Harsdorf, Cowles, and Olsen.

Key precints are yet to report in Darlings(R) district, I think she'll win overwelhmingly.

We lost one I thought we'd lose for sure, Kapanke(R)

and I think Hopper (R) will win this tonight although I suspect it'll be very close. If Hopper and Darling pan out how I beleive they will I think this will be a strong affirmation of how we want busisness done in this state.

The supreme court race we had a few months ago pretty much told the tale of all these elections aslong as turnout was consistant, which in some districts it appeared was far better and in others at least the same.
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I wouldnt live in that shithole of state you live in for any amount of money.

Just so you know, I dont pay a cent in State Income tax here, so my taxes arent going up either. Plus, I can buy 2 elk tags over the counter, 6 antelope tags, 6 deer tags, 2 lion tags, and black bear tag. I dont have to use up vacation time to do all of that either, nor commute 1200 miles.

Top it...

I wouldnt live in that shithole of state you live in for any amount of money.

Just so you know, I dont pay a cent in State Income tax here, so my taxes arent going up either. Plus, I can buy 2 elk tags over the counter, 6 antelope tags, 6 deer tags, 2 lion tags, and black bear tag. I dont have to use up vacation time to do all of that either, nor commute 1200 miles.

Top it...

easy for me FAMILY and passing on the land my father and his father and so on worked with there hands to make a better life for there children.

My family in Wisco dreams of moving back "home" and being able to live the life they want. They've not seen a deer in years on their lease. \

Nick, MT is adding jobs, and is rated highly for small business growth. My own LLC is set to grow exponentially this year, in fact. Tax cuts are great and all, but they're only a small piece of the puzzle, unless you're trying to be a bad corporate citizen. :D

Interesting results. Nice call on those three races. Do you know what the split was in 2010 during the election (D's v/R's)? Just curious to see if there was an overall shift in voter preference or if it stayed the same. Two of the districts look solidly R to be sure.

My family in Wisco dreams of moving back "home" and being able to live the life they want. They've not seen a deer in years on their lease. \

Nick, MT is adding jobs, and is rated highly for small business growth. My own LLC is set to grow exponentially this year, in fact. Tax cuts are great and all, but they're only a small piece of the puzzle, unless you're trying to be a bad corporate citizen. :D

Interesting results. Nice call on those three races. Do you know what the split was in 2010 during the election (D's v/R's)? Just curious to see if there was an overall shift in voter preference or if it stayed the same. Two of the districts look solidly R to be sure.

2010 statewide results show pretty much a 52/47 split for the GOP, there where heavy GOP and DEM districts, the closer ones where the incumbent dems fell had splits close to the ones tonight. State Senators are elected every 4 years here so the races that went on tonight will go on again in 2012. With the redistricting and the GOP controlling all branches of governement I expect they'll pick up 1 of the lost seats tonight, (Hoppers) and if the GOP isnt succesfull in recalls next week they'll pick up 2 or 3 more incumbent Dem seats in 2012 too. I was wrong on Hopper, I'm surprised he lost, it was real close for sure.

What county is there deer lease in?
Not sure what county. They're in Green Bay now, but spent the last 20 years in and around Merrill.

Interesting results from 2010. The Darling race looks like it will go down to the wire.
Not sure what county. They're in Green Bay now, but spent the last 20 years in and around Merrill.

Interesting results from 2010. The Darling race looks like it will go down to the wire.

Wait for a big swing, the conservative districts will roll in (I think anyways). on edit you might be right, the unions spent the most money in this seat since she was the chair of the Senate Finance Comitee.

Deer hunting here is largely dependent on land owner practices here, if you get a big block of owners practicing good managment and QDM practices every area in this state from pretty much Green Bay straight west to the south has the genetics to produce the next world record, its not western hunting but its still good, and whatever you like to fish we've got it, obviously not the size trout though. And soon to have flying carp:(
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I wouldnt live in that shithole of state you live in for any amount of money.

Just so you know, I dont pay a cent in State Income tax here, so my taxes arent going up either. Plus, I can buy 2 elk tags over the counter, 6 antelope tags, 6 deer tags, 2 lion tags, and black bear tag. I dont have to use up vacation time to do all of that either, nor commute 1200 miles.

Top it...

Might be bad politically speaking but IMO its one of the top 5 states to live in for sportsmen. I like Montana better but..... as resident can buy unlimited # of deer and turkey tags, no elk, but one of the better states to try to tag a B&C whitetail. Plus the beer beats anything I've ever bought that was brewed in WY.
I think I'd be sad if all I had for big game was bear and deer.

Bootleggers in Casper made a great brew. Altitude in Laramie does a decent job too. But I'll take Kettlehouse over Leinenkugels any day.

WY has 27.4 million acres of public land and 500K People
WI has 5.7 million acres and 5.7 million people.

No brainer.