Caribou Gear

The Boss is going up against the boss.

Don't you think that someone who'd allow (and I agree many indeed are bottom feeders) a recruiter, they probably have never met before, to convice them of what they need to do with their life also would be a little bit easily swayed by the glitz of some star just as well?
Yup, it called "young, dumb, and full of c.."!! I was there. Hell, we all were.
I think hearing from some of those with influence beats having the "kids" turned off by the media blitz of back-biting, finger-pointing, chest-pounding commercials that you KNOW is coming soon to a boob-tube near you!!
It takes years and years of disappointment in the man you chose to get to the point we're at.
I just don't see the Svengali(sp) effect that you expect this to have. Also, NONE of us have heard the message to be given out, so I'll give Bruce and others a little credit and wait and see.

"Again, what I'm getting at is I wish that(many of)these younger voters would take the time to explore the issues themselves"
Some get it, some don't! Hence the young rep./young dem. organizations. The rest do need hand-holding, tutoring, needling, yelling, beating, threatening, bribing, and privledge-revocation!! ....and THAT's just to get them to clean their ROOM!! :eek: :D

Don't you think that someone who'd allow (and I agree many indeed are bottom feeders) a recruiter, they probably have never met before, to convice them of what they need to do with their life also would be a little bit easily swayed by the glitz of some star just as well?
Yup, it called "young, dumb, and full of c.."!! I was there.
You have not a clue regarding recruiting. I see a prerequiste to live in MA is to be arrogant and condescending. Has it occurred to you that many young men and women join the military because they want to with or without the recruiter.

Why don't you guys in MA do us all a favor and quit electing Teddy and guys like Kerry?

Before you start bad-mouthing ANYONE, don't you think it might be a good idea to at least ASK if I voted for either??
I take it from your comment on recruiting you spent some time at the bottom of the pool?? That's OK, I forgive you!! :D

chas - "Cuz we have enough californicators!!"

And you are complaining about someone else "bad-mouthing?" :rolleyes:
To quote your governor "What are you, are a girlie man??" Didn't I put enough smilies around it?? If I hurt your feeling, I'm sorry.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Didn't bad mouth ANYONE. It is okay for you to insult all the men and women in the U.S. Military but If I make a Teddy and JFK crack you take it as bad mouthing.

BTW I was never at the bottom of the pool. You should be happy that there are people out there willing to nasty, grueling, shitty work in bad parts of the world so you can have the right to enjoy putting them all down.

I never said you voted for anybody. I said why don't you guys in MA (lumping everyone together like you did regarding the military) quit sending Teddy and JFK to the Senate.


"Didn't bad mouth ANYONE"
"You have not a clue regarding recruiting. I see a prerequiste to live in MA is to be arrogant and condescending"
What is this, a compliment??

"It is okay for you to insult all the men and women in the U.S. Military" "{lumping everyone together like you did regarding the military)" Wrong! I was VERY specific. "Recruiters(see bottom feeders)!!" See??

"You should be happy that there are people out there willing to nasty, grueling, shitty work in bad parts of the world so you can have the right to enjoy putting them all down. "
First off, I will never be "happy" about militay personnel being in harm's way. That's just stupid!
Secondly, I've served my country proudly from 1974 through 1996. So I think that might qualify me for knowing recruiters!!
Unlike you ("I see a prerequiste to live in MA") , I DON'T lump people together based on their address(or anything else for that matter)!!

Do suppose that recruiting has changed post draft? You called all recruiters bottom feeders. Never questioned your service just you attitude.

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