Well-known member
So Theat's post made me a bit curious as to what the Sheriff HAS to do vs what they CAN do, and what recourse there is for citizens who disagree with Sheriff's actions/inactions.That is messed up. Have you reminded the Sheriff he holds an elected position?
Per the WA RCW their duties are:
The sheriff is the chief executive officer and conservator of the peace of the county. In the execution of his or her office, he or she and his or her deputies:
(1) Shall arrest and commit to prison all persons who break the peace, or attempt to break it, and all persons guilty of public offenses;
(2) Shall defend the county against those who, by riot or otherwise, endanger the public peace or safety;
(3) Shall execute the process and orders of the courts of justice or judicial officers, when delivered for that purpose, according to law;
(4) Shall execute all warrants delivered for that purpose by other public officers, according to the provisions of particular statutes;
(5) Shall attend the sessions of the courts of record held within the county, and obey their lawful orders or directions;
(6) Shall keep and preserve the peace in their respective counties, and quiet and suppress all affrays, riots, unlawful assemblies and insurrections, for which purpose, and for the service of process in civil or criminal cases, and in apprehending or securing any person for felony or breach of the peace, they may call to their aid such persons, or power of their county as they may deem necessary.
Investigate is not mentioned.
The recourse for faults by the Sheriff is:
Whenever any sheriff neglects to make due return of any writ or other process delivered to him or her to be executed, or is guilty of any default or misconduct in relation thereto, he or she shall be liable to fine or attachment, or both, at the discretion of the court, subject to appeal, such fine, however, not to exceed two hundred dollars; and also to an action for damages to the party aggrieved.
I'm pretty surprised how little governs their actions. I mean the water code is probably 15-20x times more elaborate.
Also @DouglasR

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less is more. Plenty of Gnar was poached with gear you could acquire for less than a truck payment. Marketing is the only reason you think you need more/better/nicer