Kenetrek Boots

The ACLU Inhaled

from the article

"The ACLU's position is that illegal aliens have a right to enter our border and stay in this country as long as they want," said Deacon.

Yes, I think that I see the problem. Illegals have the 'right'to break our laws |oo
Of course they do, they get away with murder, hubby cousin was killed by drunk driver, im not sure if he was illegal, but he got away with it never found em.:)
My father in law ( a great guy ) was killed by an illegal alien. Drunk, stoned, and driving a stolen car, he ran a red light. He is now doing 27 to life in an Arizona prison.
Maby, just maby, the ACLU has the right to kiss my ass.
Great find... 2Fast.... remember when the press said the B.P. didn`t want us...and all the other lies that Hose "B' posted..

I comfronted the guttless A.C.L.U prick ,Danny Ybarra [at Naco] and i caught him in an outright lie in front of 10 people he turned red and walked away like the coward that he is.. I don`t think i could take someone shoving me,or jumping out of the bushes at 2:30 in the morning trying to get me to pull a weapon...Its unbelievable how much "restraint" some of the minutemen have shown....Hmmm wonder if Jose Queero could show such composure... i admit that i cannot....and i would love to have a debate with any A.C.L.U lawyer anytime anyplace. [ locked room/ no cameras would be my preference]

Sorry about your father inlaw A-con... american citizens getting killed by illegals happens way to much in this country. :MAD
A-con, sorry about the father-in-law. This is why the blithering idiots who argue that illegals are harmless are totally clueless. Every person in Arizona knows someone hit by an illegal who either flees or has no insurance. The real cost to taxpayers of this scourge is extremely high and those who support amnesty are just supporting the greedy corporate farms or big construction interests who are pocketing millions at our expense. I don't think corporations pay a gnats ass in taxes with their staff of tax attorneys so we end up paying the health and welfare costs plus high insurance rates. Also wonder who is stealing all those cars and driving them to Mexico? The ACLU is a bunch of pinko pukes. Jose' are you there?

FAIRCHASEBEN, Here is the picture of the skank.
He's got so many people on his ignore list that he only talks to his different personalities. They always agree with his rhetoric. ;)
Thec A.C.L.U. has to get "stoned"... they have failed to Screw up the project,,, and they just can`t stand the pain.. of a well organized peacefull protest.... They have failed miserably and it has backfired on them... don`t bogart that joint my that HAIR sticking out of that skanks ass?
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