Had an awesome hunt this evening. Found a nice tree to lean against overlooking a wheat field about 3:30 this afternoon and within a few minutes i had turkey, whitetail, and hogs in the field to keep me company. I was initially hoping the hogs would work their way toward me for a shot but then a really nice 10pt WT showed up and was working on changing my mind for me. He pushed some does around and came within shooting distance once but i couldnt convince myself to shoot him. As the evening progressed i noticed a few of the WT kept looking back west indicating something was coming. About 10 minutes later this guy emerged on the far edge of the field about 300yds away. He fed slowly out into the field and hung up about 250yds away. I was convinced thats how it would end bit thankfully a young WT buck helped me out. He chased a doe right by this guy and pushed him my way. I had ranged some clumps in the field and knew one was 130yds. When he emerged from the tree row i was sitting in it appeared he would walk right by that clump. When he was close i whistled to stop him and he turned toward me. The shot ended up being 133 yds. I hit him on the point of the shoulder angling back into the vitals. He took a step to leave, sat down on his butt, and fell over. His head was still up so i put another round in him. This shot was facing hard away angling from the rear forward. We get deer with a bigger frame here but this guy has a lot of trash and uniqueness. 16pts in total! 6” FA 83 325gr MP ruger only solid in 45 colt brass at 1450fps. 4 moa bushnell red dot