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I haven't had issues today but I tend to type them in. Let me try. He's got a point. They aren't working. I'll try to type one in. :)
I was not able to post smiley's or insert an image with the above icon. I was able to insert it by just typing in the []xxx[/] though.
HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can reply with a Quick thread but I can't reply to PM's or start a new topic !!!

What happens is I can't get the Cursor inside the Box. I can Creat a title and then not click in the box. If I hit Post Reply after I jsut creat a title it says to eait for my WYSIWYG to load... (PS, WYSIWYG is short for What You See Is What You Get).

Did I fugg something up today ? I haven't rebooted yet ..... But jsut checking to see if anyone here ever had that ?
If I click the post reply button I can't type anything.... But in the Quick Reply I can ?!?!?

I think DleW's trying to lock me out slowly but surely.... Quit Calling me Shirley !!!! ;)
Ahhhh, It isn't just me...thought maybe that blonde I bumped into today (and enjoyed) had rubbed off on me...
Was getting worried but guess I was wrong...
Damn, I was going to go back and bump into her again to try and reverse the spell...
Probably just get slapped or something anyway...

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