
Test of Dog Knowledge,Chessie's


New member
Feb 8, 2001
Milford Center, Ohio ,USA
Ok I have used Labs for most of my life, like all of us I have had 1 great one and so good ones! I now have a good Lab but have a chance to rescue a Chessie. He is only a year old and is house broke! All my dogs live in the house too! So no big brawback. I just need all the imput I can get from any one who has owned or hunted around Chessie's!Thanks guys and gals for your input and time for the help!
Mike Murphy
First-off, welcome to the board!

I too, have owned a few labs. I've been researching the Chessies for almost 2 years and am contemplating buying one when my current lab is gone (which hopefully will be a while, as she's only 6).

This is what I know about Chessies: They are not nearly as 'hyper' as Labs. They are a 'one-man/one-family' dog and they are extremely loyal. They can be hard-headed and in training it is best to let the dog think something is there idea.

They are also the only dog that can mark and remember multiple birds. In other words, if you drop 3 ducks they will remember where all 3 fell; while other retrievers will only remember the last bird to fall.

I keep going back and forth about getting one. My favorite Lab was a big male I had to put-down in 1998. He wasn't at all hyper; didn't like attention; had a no-nonsense, independant attitude; enjoyed the strict rigor of practice field work; and he absolutely LOVED to duck hunt. These are the traits a Chessie is known for and while I lean towards wanting to get one, I just have a soft spot in my heart for those damn Labs that I can't seem to shake.

Only time will tell; do please let us know what you decide and how everything turns out.
Thanks Yooper, I know what you mean about labs! They are just always there when you need to take the edge off! I will post if I go ahead with the Chessie! I am just worried about working three dogs! Oh well I need another job!
Mike Murphy
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