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Teddy Coming Down

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It has been super hot during the day the last few days, and kinda dark and cloudy tonight. As soon as I am done upping my NRA membership and stirring the pot here I am gonna grab my fishing stuff and go mousing for a few hours and see what happens.
That was funny.
People have lost it lately. Teddy Roosevelt made many hunting trips to right here in my neighborhood. He loved it here around Ojai, CA.

I’ve seen groups calling for things I consider ridiculous but shit at this point I don’t know. They include:

No killing of any animals. They want laws to prohibit eating meat

No police force

No firearms

No mounted trophies

One World Government

So tearing down statues isn’t really out of line. They don’t know what they don’t know. I’m afraid it’s gonna get a lot worse.
The statue of Andrew Jackson our 7th president is now also unacceptable. Why are you ask, because he owned slaves and forced indigenous people off their lands.
Tell me again how we’re all headed in a great direction of enlightenment.
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I understand the tearing down of Confederate symbology. It's context with slavery is too painful and recent and in a very real way is the lifting up of our enemies.

That said, the rage of the herd appears to be an often slippery slope that has no concern for the context of history. You are gonna have a tough time with statues of any historical individual if you hold them up to today's woke virtues. Aristotle didn't have sexual harrasment training.

Yes, it's just a statue, but I don't think a lot of these folks are planning to stop at the statues. I think it is time to pay close attention. Take what many in this leaderless movement are saying seriously, and it seems like censorship and book burning right after this commercial break.

Speak the incantations. Self-flagellate accordingly. Fall in line. Signal. Signal.Signal.
The problem is that no real change is taking place. We are letting a bunch of people act out of emotion because it’s the train to hop on. Tearing down a statue isn’t going to do anything in the long run and neither is changing the name of Aunt Jemima.

The BLM movement is viewed by many as an anti white movement more than a Pro Black Lives movement. If you are white and have an opinion that doesn’t fully align with theirs you are considered a racist and uninformed.

We need to stop worrying about offending people and stand up for our country. We need to make some changes to our current systems, but being a good person with ethics and a strong moral compass is going to be what makes the most impact. Parents need to teach right and wrong and hold kids accountable. If you aren’t allowed to act like a shit bag when you are 17 then you’re way ahead of most kids these days. Chances are you’ll be a respectful adult that treats people accordingly. The one friend of mine on social media that is “woke” about this whole deal is a girl I went to high school with that skipped class, had 2 kids before we graduated, and now has 7 with 4 different guys. I just have a hard time taking life advice from her. I will listen with an open mind to people that want to have an actual conversation about the topics at hand.
I am young, female and white, so it is possible few here or anywhere will have much interest in my opinion.

In reply to Carnage2011, the short answer is I agree. But I could also complain that you are beating up on a girl who was taken advantage of by 4 different men. But I dont believe that. I believe she has to take responsibility for her actions. And I would also have a hard time taking life advise from her.

I also agree with what April said in her post. With all th programs out there today, if someone really wants an education and a job, they can make it happen.

Handlebar : Maybe. Example: Teddy monument went up in 1939 or over 80 years ago and it must be removed because it is offensive. Kimmel makes sexually suggestive remarks about a 15 yr old girl and used the N work in his songs while wearing "black face". But his show has not been cancelled and he will host the Emmy's because ---" His actions and remarks were over 25 years ago" Some of those who are giving Kimmel a pass are the same ones who are outraged and support the removal of Teddy.

I was also told by my grandfather that the phraseology you used made him remember an old movie, Alamo with John Wayne. I have not seen it, but apparently Wayne said something about people getting their ox gored in that movie

April, I read an article about the concentration camps in Poland. I would imagine those places would be hard to visit, especially for anyone who might have been there when they were a child. I saw Ben Lamb's post about FDR and a picture of what I think was an Internment camp for the Japanese during WW II. Sad, but not quite the same as the Concentration camps that the Jewish people were forced to live in.

In West Texas we lived, worked, partied, hunted, rodeoed, school, everything, among many with Hispanic heritage, without issues-- either way---- so I know different heritages can live together without issues. We, like everyone else, had problems with some individuals, but it had nothing to do with race.
It’s easier to change the name of syrup than it is to do something useful that could actually change some of the real racial disparities in our country.

For as long as people, particularly black at a much higher proportion than whites, are being arrested for ‘crimes’ like misdemeanor marijuana possession, nobody is doing anything serious to change anything.
Politicians are glad people are distracted with statues and syrup. It keeps them from having to change laws, especially laws that weaken their power or piss off their private prison donors.
It’s easier to change the name of syrup than it is to do something useful that could actually change some of the real racial disparities in our country.

For as long as people, particularly black at a much higher proportion than whites, are being arrested for ‘crimes’ like misdemeanor marijuana possession, nobody is doing anything serious to change anything.
Politicians are glad people are distracted with statues and syrup. It keeps them from having to change laws, especially laws that weaken their power or piss off their private prison donors.

I don't want to derail the thread but you're right in my opinion. Racism in the states is more a symptom of the problem than the problem itself. I was having this chat on the weekend just been with my mates partner who is from Colorado. You guys have a class problem, the divide between the rich and the poor is much bigger than places like aus and at the bottom there seems to be less options to claw out.

In the Cares Act every day people celebrated a one off $1200 payment while $4 trillion got paid upward to the wealthiest people/businesses in your country. You don't have to be a "commie" to think that isn't right.

It can work both ways but here, we have jobless people on enough govt money to keep a roof over their heads and food in the belly while giving them plenty of opportunity to find work. We have free health care, so there would be no breaking bad if Bryan Cranston were Australian, if you're aboriginal you have free education all the way through, if not you can put your tertiary education into an interest free govt loan (which I did, finished paying back this year!). I think I'm a great example of what can easily be done in Aus if you want to. it's complicated but by the time my folks separated I was in a low class family. We were living in government housing and didn't have 2 bob to rub together. But I saw where I was and as a kid decided I didn't want it so studied hard and was able to eventually get through university and now earn a good wage, have knocked nearly 20 years off our homeloan in 2 years and my wife and boys never miss out like I did. Simultaneously, the old man pulled himself out of the quagmire mum left him in and today has a decent little farm running shorthorn cattle which was always his dream. My brother and sister that lived with me through that time also have done well, my brother owns a successful business and my sister is a nurse. None of that is related to colour, anyone has that option here. Friends I had as a kid when living that life have since turned to drugs or crime, so not everyone is going to take the opportunity offered but if you want it it's there and that's the critical part.
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