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Teddy Coming Down

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I get it, Buzz - you're not interested in statues that stretch Washington D.C. such as Abraham Lincoln, etc...
I say it does. It inspires children and adults to learn who the person that's been revered with a statue, named monument, etc... did for our great country. It presses for education for who created / how America came to be.

Obama spoke of Theodore Roosevelt in 2011 for Roosevelt's fight for workers and employers equality, mentioned in the quotes above in his fight for his next term.

Maybe its well past time we take the initiative and not let a hunk of marble, bronze, or granite speak of history for us....

And, I doubt that Obama learned about TR from looking at a statue of same...just sayin'.
As long as the Springfield 30-06 and Winchester 405 that he used in Africa remain in the Smithsonian I am going to reserve the small amount of energy I have left to protest "aging"

However on a serious note, when they ask me if I think the Auschwitz camp in Poland should be torn down, I always say No. And as mentioned before I have some direct linage to those who were there. But I dont know one person today who worked there, but of course there are others who are direct descendants of some of the men who did work at that camp. I would have no problem breaking bread with them. That was yesterday and this is today. They have no control over who their ancestors were, nor do I. "WE" can control who we are today, but can not change what others did 100, 200, 300 years ago, whether we were related to them or not.

History is just that, History. What can you do today that is constructive to/for yourself, your family, society. Taking down that statue will not help your family eat better, or help your neighbor's children get a better education, or your friends parents have better health care.

Taking down that statue will not improve something that most family's need today. ( Health care, Employment, Education ) or provide you with

MORE TIME to hunt and fish. you fellows who are posting on this thread do realize that fishing season is open, dove season is open, turkey season is open, bear season is open in Alaska and Idaho ( maybe other states as well ), hogs are plentiful in Texas

However as stated many times my opinion and a nickel will buy you absolutely nothing. I could probably change that to a quarter and still be correct

SFC B--With any luck I will be there soon.
Noharleyyet. Thank you
Music tape contributors -Thank you!
Hunting Wife. Sea Breeze --aaaagggghhhh (-;

I agree, my gandfather and his family fled France during WW2 to escape nazi's, in the process lost everything they had. I hold no malice towards Germany or it's citizens, nor any monuments (Auschwitz included). If we don't accept and learn from history we are doomed to repeat it.

Removing statues be it TR or Stonewall Jackson etc. Has superficial meaning when the same people who support this do not mention or oppose the continual existence of slavery in 2020. For pete's sake you can watch current slave auctions in libya online. I worked with a wealthy bengali who back home had a servant of the untouchable class (which is a fancy way of saying slave). He also had no qualms telling me he'd beat his servants for things like spilling tea. Where's the rage for that? That's why no one can stand there and tell me removing historical monuments in whatever form is to make a difference
Just curious how you learn all that from a statue?

When I was a kid and saw a statue I'd ask my dad who it was, from there I'd learn about. As an adult I see a statue and if I don't know about them I'll look it up.

Presentism is a big problem in all this, people apply today's morals and ideologies to things that have happened in a time where those views were non existent. Removing any part of history is removing how we got to where we are and so opening the path for repetition. Do you really think people who want to tear down statues will be satisfied with that? Big decisions should never be made on emotion alone, and where logic is removed bad things will happen.
When I was a kid and saw a statue I'd ask my dad who it was, from there I'd learn about. As an adult I see a statue and if I don't know about them I'll look it up.

Presentism is a big problem in all this, people apply today's morals and ideologies to things that have happened in a time where those views were non existent. Removing any part of history is removing how we got to where we are and so opening the path for repetition. Do you really think people who want to tear down statues will be satisfied with that? Big decisions should never be made on emotion alone, and where logic is removed bad things will happen.
Great answer! Couldn’t have said it better.
When I was a kid and saw a statue I'd ask my dad who it was, from there I'd learn about. As an adult I see a statue and if I don't know about them I'll look it up.

Presentism is a big problem in all this, people apply today's morals and ideologies to things that have happened in a time where those views were non existent. Removing any part of history is removing how we got to where we are and so opening the path for repetition. Do you really think people who want to tear down statues will be satisfied with that? Big decisions should never be made on emotion alone, and where logic is removed bad things will happen.

I think there's a lot of distinctions in this debate that we can all find truth in. This being one of them. We can and should learn our history, all of it, warts & all. It's the best tonic to ensure that we can all stand aside and nod knowingly when we see people making the same mistakes again.

And we've heard as much that the folks who want to tear down certain statues or monuments are looking to tear down a system - specifically the one that they believe dis-empowers and subjugates them. Part of the line of questioning that we should be looking at includes whether or not those systems should be torn down or changed. I've listened to enough LEO's and protesters to see common threads in where reform should happen, but so long as we desire division over understanding, I don't know we get there.

So rather than honoring those who brought this system with monuments or statues on public grounds, we should look to save those totems in museums and take our kids there to learn about our past as a nation, and as a world. Americans tend to believe the myth about our origins, because that's what we were taught. We hold those teachings dear since we've developed an entire national identity around it.

I'm all for keeping places like Hart Mountain up and around, functioning as an educational destination, just as Germans have kept the Concentration Camps, but eliminated the statuary of Nazi leaders. I'm all for keeping places like the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials up since they provide opportunities to teach future generations that while these people did great things, they were flawed like all humans. It helps talk about the journey this nation has been on, as we strive for that more perfect union.
Theodore Roosevelt was an American, through and true.

It's a somber state of affairs when the social media bias focus only upon what floats their adverse agenda to smear any person to raise their media glory.

REALITY CHECK for fellow Americans interested in who and what Theodore Roosevelt did as the 26th President of our Great country.

He was a man with convictions for employee and employer. He fought against his own party AND his opposing party, who were found working hand in hand (read up on Boss Party, if interested)

In Butte Montana, while addressing "colored citizens" Theodore gave this speech while working to mitigate the management vs workers

Same day while mitigating the lock between mining management and workers, he stated the following to Silver Bow Labor and Trades Assembly;

Continuing his fight for the "Square Deal";

A portion of Theodore Roosevelt's address, as the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize recipient;
Just for the record, I don't think the problem with the statue has anything to do with TR himself. It's how the artist chose to represent him and the other men in the statue. It's visual (and about the meaning that we make from the visual aspect).
Out of sight, out of mind.
Perhaps someone sitting in the shade of a statue will be inspired to google him/her while sitting there.
Monuments for our kids to learn go way back.

Joshua 4:19-24 New International Version (NIV)
19 On the tenth day of the first month the people went up from the Jordan and camped at Gilgal on the eastern border of Jericho. 20 And Joshua set up at Gilgal the twelve stones they had taken out of the Jordan. 21 He said to the Israelites, “In the future when your descendants ask their parents, ‘What do these stones mean?’ 22 tell them, ‘Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground.’ 23 For the Lord your God dried up the Jordan before you until you had crossed over. The Lord your God did to the Jordan what he had done to the Red Sea when he dried it up before us until we had crossed over. 24 He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and so that you might always fear the Lord your God.”
They are considering changing the name of the county I currently live in (lee) and changing ft bragg’s name too. Absolutely crazy times we are living in. I cannot wait to get out of the south.
Just for the record, I don't think the problem with the statue has anything to do with TR himself. It's how the artist chose to represent him and the other men in the statue. It's visual (and about the meaning that we make from the visual aspect).
I respect your opinion however I disagree. For the record, It specifically has to deal with "black" (and other race) Americans under the impression that the African guide, not African-American, but an African guide alongside Theodore Roosevelt makes Theodore Roosevelt racist against "black" Americans.

The American, "woke" folk involved within their emotional outrage are acting out of emotion. If they knew of his actions as President of our great country they may... Actually take a moment to query who the African is standing next to Theodore Roosevelt. The African is a representational guide from his hunts in Africa.

Then again, they've been tearing down Ulysses S Grant, Lewis and Clark and Sacagawea monuments... I don't think they give a rat's ass... It's all social media hype.
The same uber genius academic ideologues that so cleverly use science, data, and facts to impose superior intellectual and moral values on the rest of us have been telling us about and continue to tell us about:
Gun control
Marital values
The evil NRA
Social issues
Transgenders/sex changes
Social justice
Shaming police and military
Maple Syrup
Rioting in the name of the first amendment.
Geez they have been and continue to be wrong about lots of stuff....
The same uber genius academic ideologues that so cleverly use science, data, and facts to impose superior intellectual and moral values on the rest of us have been telling us about and continue to tell us about:
Gun control
Marital values
The evil NRA
Social issues
Transgenders/sex changes
Social justice
Shaming police and military
Maple Syrup
Rioting in the name of the first amendment.
Geez they have been and continue to be wrong about lots of stuff....

...left out Utopian municipalities
The same uber genius academic ideologues that so cleverly use science, data, and facts to impose superior intellectual and moral values on the rest of us have been telling us about and continue to tell us about:
Gun control
Marital values
The evil NRA
Social issues
Transgenders/sex changes
Social justice
Shaming police and military
Maple Syrup
Rioting in the name of the first amendment.
Geez they have been and continue to be wrong about lots of stuff....
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