
Teddy Coming Down

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If money is what drives the ship of success in your life...i imagine it's a pretty sad and superficial life.
It can for some people... just not for everyone. Hence my troubled analogy with the lottery. And for most people it never happens. I'm not trying to spout ideology here, I'm talking facts. Look them up. Do you really think the successful ones are the only ones working hard?
No there are millions of people who work hard every day and raise a family. But how many of them that are unhappy with their situation are doing something to better themselves? How many are going back to school to advance their career or change to another career.. how Many people in their 20s complain that they can’t afford college but have never looked into getting loans to go to school and make an investment in themselves to better their future?? How many of those same people say they don’t have time to go back to school but yet are always going out on the weekend.
I spent the time I was 18-26 going to college to get my bachelors yes 8years for a bachelors degree it took me longer bcuz I was working full time graveyard in a factory to pay my bills while raising a daughter! and I still ended with a ton of student debt. But you know what I bettered my life and am completely happy with my decisions to do so and better my future for my family...

so I get pretty annoyed when I hear people complain that they work so hard and can’t better themselves. Or that the deck is stacked against them, it’s about making good decisions and sticking with them until you get where you want in life.
I gotta ask how is option b so difficult?? it’s called hard work and not expecting it to be handed to you. please explain the obstacles that can’t be overcome by hard work.

Good, if its easy go start an airline company, buy a farm and grow wheat or cattle and make that pencil out, start an oil company, timber company, etc. etc. etc.

If you believe there hasn't been massive obstacles put in place by corporations to squelch competition in business (via congress)'re not paying attention or living in denial.
And my definition of rags to riches may be different, but if you can put food on the table and roof over your head that's successful to me and that's not to hard to accomplish. But I guess everyone needs 5 bows, 20 rifles, 5000sqft house, surf and turf, $40k plus vehicles, 3 side by sides, 2 snowmobiles, a boat, and a 40ft 5th wheel to be a success.

The propaganda has worked on you, exactly what the wealthy want you to think...congratulations! Keep the peasants in an apartment paying rent, and pump them full of cheap, shitty, mass produced food provided by a corporate farm...long enough so they don't revolt. Tell them they just need to work a bit harder, put off any luxury items, and maybe they can move a rung up the ladder...

BTW, forget about ever owning a new vehicle or boat, that's not for you, a roof over your head and a blue plate special is good enough...

My Grandfather worked at Meadow Gold Dairy in Missoula Montana, raised 4 kids, owned his own home, had a boat, new vehicles, 2 snowmobiles, and a camp trailer...and my Grandmother never worked. Went on a family vacation, fishing, hunting, snowmobiling every weekend.

I guess that was just too good for him, and he didn't deserve it, should have worked harder...oh, and never graduated high school either and left home when he was 16.

Try doing that today working at a dairy...
Good, if its easy go start an airline company, buy a farm and grow wheat or cattle and make that pencil out, start an oil company, timber company, etc. etc. etc.

If you believe there hasn't been massive obstacles put in place by corporations to squelch competition in business (via congress)'re not paying attention or living in denial.
Maybe go back and read what I was referring to on option b in the post I quoted.. no one said anything about starting a giant corporation.. it was about bettering your financial situation. Go back and reread it’ll put things in context...
To be honest I have seen the all honesty it is butt ugly.But why did it get put there in the 1st place?
Replace it with quality one!
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A man's life doesn't consist in the abundance of the things that he possesses. (not my words, I borrowed it) There are plenty of rich & famous people who commit suicide.
I would actually argue that despite what @BuzzH pointed out, which is very true, right now we have the easiest time going from tag to riches, or at least middle class to riches. Way better than our grandparents. Maybe on par with our parents. We have huge social and economic safety nets that simply weren't available to previous generations.

Now, of you're grand idea flops you're kids aren't going to starve to death. But most of us are too risk averse to take the leap of faith and strike out on our own.
I can think of 3 off the top of my head that I'm good friends with. And somehow I guess it was magic.... one of them even afforded to come elk hunt with me all the way from Pennsylvania a few years back. Guess that ones debunked. Try again pardner.

Disclaimer: 2 of em only have 2 kids apiece not maybe ya got me Buzzzzzzz.

Try doing that today working at a dairy...
No, admittadly, I'm exaggerating a bit and don't really think that they are the same. But, the point I'm trying to make is that:

a. The chances of being a rags to riches story in this country are very, very small.
b. The chances of even significantly bettering your financial situation are much smaller than most Americans think.
c. Rags to riches is a part of our American identity that doesn't really square with reality for the vast majority of people.

There is plenty of data to support all this if one is willing to look and be open to the reality of it.

We also cant discount the money and effort put into the perpetuation of " American Dream" vs the american reality, and why that important to maintain the current lopsided allocation of resources.
I don't wish to derail the thread any more than it already has been, but I'd offer this. I posted a job two weeks ago with a starting pay of $18.25 with no requirements other than good work ethic and a high school diploma. They work a year, get their first license and pay jumps to $22/hr with fully paid insurance, vacation, holidays, public employee retirement (retire after 32 years), deferred comp, gift days (birthday, fair day etc.). They have the potential to be at $34/hour within 5 years. Training/education will be provided to prepare the employee for their certification exams for water and/or wastewater treatment....on the city's dime. Yep, free college for an associate degree in science. I've been to numerous career days at elementary, high school, and college levels. I do microbiology and water/wastewater presentations to science classrooms. I'm doing my part to promote a solid, essential job....a relatively easy job. I worked every day when people were laid off during the peak of the crisis. I have contracts for extra work that pays for the "luxury" of being able to go on hunts, buy things, etc. I want to give a young person the same opportunity. I've received dozens of resumes, with exactly one being from someone younger than 35 years old. It has been like this with every job I have posted in the past five years. There are other people that serve in a similar capacity as I do with other cities and villages around me. They see the same thing. It doesn't speak well for the younger people. It is a limited example I know, but it is what I see every time I post a job.
My Grandfather worked at Meadow Gold Dairy in Missoula Montana, raised 4 kids, owned his own home, had a boat, new vehicles, 2 snowmobiles, and a camp trailer...and my Grandmother never worked. Went on a family vacation, fishing, hunting, snowmobiling every weekend.

I guess that was just too good for him, and he didn't deserve it, should have worked harder...oh, and never graduated high school either and left home when he was 16.

Try doing that today working at a dairy...

Appears our economy was a hell of a lot better off 60 years least for the masses. Sounds like smaller government and less regulations are key to the success for those that aren't born with a silver spoon.
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