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Teddy Coming Down

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hahaha, I would hope someone with a history degree knew history, my comment was directed at general education and general knowledge of the US system of government, it’s citizens role in bringing change thru Votes and representatives. Furthermore the scam where universities are handing out degrees in subjects there are no jobs for and students acquiring massive debts.

Signed born in 1980 (whatever that makes me) with a high school education and still making more money than 99% of history majors and don’t have any debt.. own my truck, boat, 20 guns, 2 bows, etc etc etc..

Got me there... I only have 1 bow.

Damn history degree.
White privilege...the rich oppressing the poor....blah, blah, blah.
My hunting partner is black from the LA ghettos but he joined the Navy, got out and works as a correctional officer. His wife is from Mexico, immigrated and joined the Marines, got out and became a CBP officer.
They are not "rich" but they certainly aren't hurting either. Nice house w/ swimming pool. New truck, Corvette C7, Caddilac, RV, Boat, etc, etc, annual caribbean cruises, hunts all over North America every year.
My point is that they are people of color that come from the same stock that is out there pulling down statues and rioting because life isn't fair.
We all have choices.
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If you're a single mother working 4 part time jobs with no health benefits or retirement and you're still below the poverty line, is that the fault of the person, or the system that creates this kind of servitude?

Most likely equal parts both.
Don’t be presumptuous. Its called recognition of an issue. You don’t have to just stick your head in the sand and ignore it.

if I was fixated on upper wealth, my wife and I would both certainly be in different careers.
When the historical statues are all torn down, here's the list of super wealthy villains to turn your attention on.

Read the article. The wealth gap is widening. Ergo, in a relative sense they are worse off. Simple math.
I read the article. I agree the wealth gap is widening. I'm not sure that is the huge problem that folks make it out to be. When I was a kid in the 70's and eighties poor people were poor (me included). We didn't have new clothes, the newest technologies, and nowhere near new vehicles. A lot of today's "poor" have access to most if not all of those. Many without moving a finger or breaking a sweat. I think more than the wealth gap is widening, the work ethic gap is widening. As more social programs are enacted and more is given for nothing.....the INCENTIVE to work hard and strive to pull yourself up is REMOVED. Simple human nature.
When the historical statues are all torn down, here's the list of super wealthy villains to turn your attention on.

I really don’t care about statues. I’m really not sure what points you’re trying to make either.
Shopped or shop? There’s a difference..

I'm more of a Stop and Shop guy (Safeway or Smith's) my wife likes Whole foods... we compromise and go to Wegman's (Town and Country).

that said Heritage flakes are the bomb so we hit up Whole Paycheck more than I'd care to admit.
A. The chances can be whatever someone wants it
to be if they want it to bad enough.

C. See A.
No, this is just completely false, and shows a lack of knowledge. If you look at research about how adverse experiences in ones youth hinders the development of the brain, you would see that "the chances can be whenever someone wants it bad enough" is a complete BS statement
I'm more of a Stop and Shop guy (Safeway or Smith's) my wife likes Whole foods... we compromise and go to Wegman's (Town and Country).

that said Heritage flakes are the bomb so we hit up Whole Paycheck more than I'd care to admit.

Yea I don’t do much grocery shopping, some would call it patriarchy but I’m sure My wife prefers it as I just throw a bunch of crap in the cart and don’t look at the prices. She’s a Safeway amd Smiths gal for sure. I’ve been to Whole Foods, mainly cause I’ve been battling LPR for the last few years and some of the foods that help can only be found there. Not a terrible place, I don’t have problem with the idea of the place as there is pretty good evidence that most of the mainstream name brand food Americans eat is slowly killing them. We eat mostly whole food meals. That said there are some weird people that shop at the whole food stores.

I haven’t made up my mind if I’d tear down statues with you. But I could probably agree with BL some things about American companies and politicians moving our jobs to China for profit.
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No, this is just completely false, and shows a lack of knowledge. If you look at research about how adverse experiences in ones youth hinders the development of the brain, you would see that "the chances can be whenever someone wants it bad enough" is a complete BS statement
I'd agree that ones upbringing definitely helps. Your probably right though no one ever came from a rough childhood and made something of themself.
When the historical statues are all torn down, here's the list of super wealthy villains to turn your attention on.

Hard to believe one of those damn, no good, lazy, over-educated, socialist millennial made the top 5. And #20 (all be it ~10 years too old to be a millennial) is more likely sitting at #6 based on the current stock price.
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