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Ted Turner.....

There's no "camel toe" in Jane's picure. I looked rel hard.... we need to find some naked pictures of her! Or maybe some naked pictures of Walter Brennan for you, Gay Hunter. Do you prefera a 24" or a 26" barrel on your magnums?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"To her credit, during a 20/20 television interview sixteen years later in 1988 with Barbara Walters, Jane Fonda apologized for her incredibly bad judgement in going to North Vietnam and allowing herself to be used as a propaganda vehicle.
"I would like to say something, not just to Vietnam veterans in New England, but to men who were in Vietnam, who I hurt, or whose pain I caused to deepen because of things that I said or did," she began. "I was trying to help end the killing and the war, but there were times when I was thoughtless and careless about it and I'm . . . very sorry that I hurt them. And I want to apologize to them and their families." " <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
This is no appology..It is only lip service. Proof is, where and when has she actually tried to atone for her past transgretions against the sevice men of this country...We can all say what ever. But I have seen nothing in action to prove that she is really sorry. She should still be publicly flogged to death...Then beheaded and have her head hung off a pike and her worthless carcus hung off the walls of the white house... :mad:
Buzz......I would think the DOW would offer Ted a shitload of landowner tags if his cow populations were booming, just as they would to other ranchers. I know the DOW here tries to encourage landowners to keep the harvest up.....or else it effects the whole herd, including private ground. So your telling me they should play hard ball with Ted...make him keep his cows.....won't happen. They'll take as many cow hunts for the publis as he wants.......and ritefully so. Playing "hardball" with someone with so many valuable wildlife holdings may not be the best medicine.......however, working WITH him probably is. And remember, the DOW could give a rat's ass if you are I ever get a chance to shoot one of his bulls.....they are more likely concerned with herd management......

Jane should be done in the ass a few times,...while she was staked down in a rice patty....and left there for a couple of years.....but she probably won't be, but rather be arobasizing instead... :rolleyes:
One other thing many folks you think decided to "play hard ball" with 'ol Ted over the last few decades?.........and out of that number, how many do you think hit the homerun verses striking out......I'd say from Ted's track record.......he has pitched more than one no-hitter and probably has his share of Cy Young Awards! :D

Guys like him didn't get where they are by losing....AT ANYTHING! .......he could take a shitty situation and turn it to pure gold!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-12-2002 17:42: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
DS, I saw first hand, Ted lose his ass on several issues with the fish and game and the USFS as well as a few other public agencies. No matter how much money you have, you better have it together when you go up against Big Brother, because those pockets are mighty and deep. For the record many of the folks in those agencies arent exactly strong supporters of Ted's either.

I agree its easier to work with large landowners, but it shouldnt be at the publics expense. He still doesnt own the wildlife.

The only point I was making is, I feel he could let out a couple bull tags a year for the general draw for his land, beings how he uses the F&G and the MT residents to aid in his management. I dont think thats unreasonable.
Maybe "Big Brother" is the one's on the other board slamming his ass then!LOL!

Oh, I think Ted will get his way.....he won't be giving out those cow tags....and the only hardball he will be having to play is if he decides to take in an Atlanta Braves game..... :rolleyes:

...don't be holding out for one of those bull tags he'll have to give up after they're done playing hardball with may be a long wait.......
Oh, and your right about Big Brother having mighty deep pockets!......LOL!....that is why the National Budget is a few trillion in the red!
.....and last time I checked, ol' Ted was a few billion in the I'd bet on him in that one...
Alright guys , lets take some action ,
I nominate moosie, since he's the boss of this show, to call ted and suggest he offer 10 bull tags for raffle to the general public. 1 ticket per customer $5.00 a ticket.
DS, backup a minute here.

Want a story on the allmighty and his deep pockets?

In 1993 while I was working for the Sheridan Ranger district Ted acquired the Snowcrest Ranch south of Alder MT from the Von Tropp family.

My crew partner Shawn Gleason and I were conducting some work in the Greenhorn MTs just behind the Snowcrest. Theres an access road at the mouth of willow creek that we used for access to greenhorn creek and the greenhorn mts. All was well until one day we pull up and the gate was chained and locked right off the main Ruby Creek road. No trespassing signs galore. We went back to the district office and got ahold of Debbie Johnson, who was the district resources person, in charge of roads, access, etc. (last I heard she's a district ranger in Big Timber).

Anyway, long story short Ted and his attorney were pushing the envelope on the legality of that road being public access. Debbie, Shawn, and myself proceded back to the gate where we promptly cut the lock and chain. Almost immediately some of Turners employees were right there. The gate stayed open after some argument.

A few weeks later, Debbie asked me to prepare a statement on what happened the day of the lock incident. Apparently Turner and crew had threatened to file a lawsuit claiming they had a "legal" right to block access to that road, which they did not. They told Debbie that they had "deep" pockets and could fight a lawsuit for a long time. She told them that the government had all the time and money they needed to fight it.

Long story short that gate never had a lock on it again.

Fast forward to 1998, the next time I was in that country. Not only is the gate open, but Turner has posted a sign stating, "Access granted by Turner Enterprises" at that very same road junction. Access granted my ass, he didnt have a choice. I heard from sources that his attorney "reassessed" the situation and found out that Big Brother wasnt playing, I guess Ted didnt care to either. Apparently the USFS not only pitched a no-hitter on that game of hardball, but won the game 12-0. Luckily for lots of sportsmen, the right people were at the plate.

He isnt stupid, but he also doesnt win all the time.

I could easily supply many other examples to you if you think he always wins his battles with the agencies. But, I'd rather do it by email than on this board. So, if you need further proof email me.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-13-2002 09:51: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>
I don't need proof Buzz.......

"She told them that the government had all the time and money they needed to fight it."....

now that is fuggin funny......and a big part of why the Federal Deficet is what it is! ;) least Ted had his own money to hire a lawyer instaed of the Monopoly Money "Big Brother" prints each year.

And your story is proof of what.....Ted lost?..and what exactly was it that he lost?.....his ranch, his herd?, his money?......oh, a public road that was never his in the first place, so I guess he really didn't lose anything then did he? ;) ........but rather gained blockage of a public road for as long as he could get away with it!..THAT RASCAL! no wonder that fugger is a billionaire! :D Me or you would have probably done prison time had we pulled that shit, but not ol Ted! see what I am doing here......I'm hoping Ted sees me beating his drum on Moosie's board when he surfs it tonight, and calls me and invites me to come whack one of his big bulls! :cool:

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-13-2002 09:58: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
DS, not wanting to start a pissing match over nothing. Personally, I couldnt care less what Turner Enterprises does, as long as its legal. That goes for access to his land, the way he manages his land, etc.

You said, "Guys like him didn't get where they are by losing....AT ANYTHING!"

Wrong, he did lose and I think I supplied more than adequate proof of that. Twist it, contort it, but bottom line is, that road is open and he lost.
Buzz....just hope he don't buy that road, right? ;)

I doubt Ted lost much sleep over it eitehr way. And doubt it had absolutely any effect on his hunting operation, but you never know, that may be the one that keeps him up at night.....
Ted and DS...Sitting in a tree....K...I....S S.....I....N......G.

I dont have anything agaisnt TEd, but cmon DS, are you guys having an affair? :D :rolleyes:
Blacktail.. I'll work on the CALLING thing .... HELL, I've been t oMontana 4 times hunting and I don't even know were that Sun-o-gun lives. You'd think someone owning that much land would have fetching Billboards up or something .... I know I would ;)
Moosie, Beau(ted's son) is the real push behind the land and its protection. Nothing against Ted but he really only wants to fish and relax and his son really is into the land. Helluva nice guy, he lets me go hunting and fishing.
Buzz==Ted won on the gate deal, the govt is picking up the tab on the maintaince and herbicides, that was the arguement with them in the first place about the access road....Ted got what he wanted.
The land exchange in the Snowcrest Ranch(10,000+acres), which he bought from Gilberts' not VonTropps, he traded acres along the Robb Creek game range and Cream creek to consolidate his holdings for his buffalo fence. The Piskin historical site he bought and then traded to the state was included. The Snowcrest has the Ruby river running thru it, great fishing. The Bar0 outa Toston is mostly another fishing and hunting retreat. The Red Rock was originally planned to be a pheasant farm, not sure how that's going yet. The Flying D outa GG was to be the main plan for the buff and has morphed more into a hunting place.
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