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Ted Turner.....

Someone fill me in what she did... I never watch the news now, And I sure didn't in the past, Does someone have the SHORT verios besides She "BLOWS" an a "TRAITOR" ?

DID she sell documents or something ?~?~?
A lot of local people complained when Ted bought the D' and locked it up. But it was locked up before he bought it, so the public didn't really loose anything.
Moosie - during the Viet Nam war, she went to North Viet Nam and supported them, doing news conferences, being photographed sitting on an anti-aircraft gun, wearing a helmet, making anti-government statements, etc. When she met with some of the POWs in front of cameras, of course, and they passed her notes about their torture, she turned the notes over to the North Vietnamese and the POWs were tortured even more. Her attitude was that the prisoners WERE war criminals and deserved whatever they got.
THAT'S why she is reviled as a traitorous bitch.
DS, Ted does a bit of hunting each year.

On his land: he's got probably the best management plan going that I've seen on any property anywhere.

Wildlife and the land come first, end of story.

I also think it shows the potential that MT has in regards to quality big-game. Obviously there is a price to pay for that kind of quality, and frankly, I, and most MT hunters, probably wouldnt pay that price...

He also allows a couple youth or handi-capped permits each year on at least one of his ranches and also allows antlerless hunts on most of them. This (antlerless hunts) I have a small problem with. Basically he and or his outfitter is only allowing the public to hunt to further their own management plan. The public is doing it for free and its helping the hunting on the ranches. In other words, they use the public because its to their advantage. I dont have a problem with that, but in return, if I were in charge of the fish and game, I'd play hardball. I'd allow the cow/doe hunts in exchange for a handful of bull tags (through the special draw) good for the property for any hunter. Why manage for them for free???
I think it's great that they allow cow hunters in, regardless of whether they let bull hunters in. Management of the elk herd goes beyond the fences of the ranch. In managing the elk herds throughout the west, bull harvest is not an issue. Cows are really what need to be harvested. Anything that puts a few more cows in hunters' freezers is a good thing. Sure, it would be nice if they let a few bull hunters in, but it's not going to happen.

I don't think the ranches really gain anything by letting cow hunters in. I think that if the ranch was posed with the option of allowing a few bull hunters in along with the cow hunters, or not having any cow hunts at all, they'd shut out the cow hunters. Of course, JMHO. What do you think?

Oak, from previous experience they dont allow anything to happen on those ranches unless its an advantage to them too. Sure it is a good deal for some meat hunters, it really is.

If they want to keep out the cow hunters, fine with me. As I'm sure you know, carrying too many animals is not good for trophy quality. I think Turners outfitter is aware of that fact too. It wouldnt be long before there would be too many elk on that land and trophy quality would decline, in other words affect the $$$$.

Most people hold your view, any access is good access. I agree too, but I'd just try to play the game if I was in charge. Why not?, they do.
Oscar, With regard to Jane Fonda, in 1969 she visited the Peoples Republic of North Vietnam. While there, she was afforded a tour of the prison camp knonw as the Hanoi Hilton. She was shown a select number of prisoners and allowed to talk with them. While doing this, one of the prisoners somehow managed to pass her a note to his family. Before she left, she gave the note to the camp commander. That prisnoer was taken from his hooch and never seen again. He is currently listed as MIA. She also made an appearance on TV in Hanoi. She openly requested that all American fighting men lay down their arms and go home and that the POWs admit to thier "War Crimes" and help assuage the "poor people of North Vietnam".

She has since apologized. To which most vets that I know said, "So What?"

So, other than his taste in wives, I think Ol'Ted is a pretty good guy.

Yeah Dan.......her saying I'm sorry at that point is kind of akin to Shitka saying "I'm sorry" when he did over a Dall witch hunt:rolleyes:....well.... maybe not exactly the same :D

Miss Jane is a fine looking lady, and I'd do her in a heartbeat.....but then....I'd also do the bar sluts in Encampment's Mangie Moose!

Gay......Greenhorn's post is about what I thought it would be,...so I guess he left you hanging for whatever it was you were seeking from him ;)

Buzz.....I gotta go with Oak on this one. Ted probably has enough clout to get it done a number of ways.....and chooses to go the route he does, and that is at least good news for many hunters who get excellent cow hunts along with super quality scenary and a look at a few gagger bulls!

I don't view him as "locking " anything up. He merely bought holdings and manages them fpr quality wildlife......and selling the high dollar hunts is both a way to manage the hunt and raise revenue for the Ramches at the same time...after all, he is a business man first.

Just because we can't go on his place at will and whack a bull......nor can we do it on the guy who owns 100 acres......his property is restricted as private as well.

Folks get jealous and and whine about being locked out......and how many billions of acres are public in Colorado, Wyoming, Montanny and Idaho?........we have some of the best hunting in the world and an almost un-ending supply of public land to do it on, and yet we still have those that are bitter because they can't access private holdings, and do the pricey hunts. No different from someone being mad they weren't born rich or had a higher standing in life......really has very little to do with "hunting"...and more to do with being bitter and looking for excuses.....
You know......I call BULLSHIT! on the whiners that are saying Turner is locking up all the land.(haven't called BS since B'cat was around ;) ..thought it be fun to do it just this once)

They are just looking for an excuse as to why they are not killing big ass bulls...."Turner has them all locked up"...or "you gotta be rich".......

BULLSHIT!.....yes it is easier if you are rich..otherwise, you gotta be SMART....and IN SHAPE.......and WANT IT BAD!

Look at Greenhorn......every year, huge ass bulls...look at WW, FGH, Yetti, Raybow......and now even Moosie! ;) ........it can be done, and done consistently, on public lands. But it is much easier to look for excuses to fail or kill mediocre animals. So the "Ted is locking them all up" excuse is as good as any I suppose......
I never accepted anything from the commie
B*$#%. Her dad should have kicked her ass. As for Ted, like DS said, business first.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-11-2002 14:13: Message edited by: 2fastnaz ]</font>
That's from a 1968 film she was in Barbarela. She was married to the director a while.

She appologized, better than not appologizing, in 1988 about Viet Nam.

"To her credit, during a 20/20 television interview sixteen years later in 1988 with Barbara Walters, Jane Fonda apologized for her incredibly bad judgement in going to North Vietnam and allowing herself to be used as a propaganda vehicle.
"I would like to say something, not just to Vietnam veterans in New England, but to men who were in Vietnam, who I hurt, or whose pain I caused to deepen because of things that I said or did," she began. "I was trying to help end the killing and the war, but there were times when I was thoughtless and careless about it and I'm . . . very sorry that I hurt them. And I want to apologize to them and their families." "

its from

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-11-2002 14:15: Message edited by: Tom ]</font>
DS said, "Ted probably has enough clout to get it done a number of ways....."

Not really, if he did, he'd of used them first. Trust me, he doesnt really want anyone on his land, unless its for his own good. I dont give a shit how much money he has, there arent many ways, if any, to reduce the STATE OWNED elk on your land, outside of legal hunting.

I agree too, it is access and it is allowing people to hunt...but it aint from the goodness of his, or the outfitters heart.

But, regardless, it is his land and he should do as he sees fit, within the law. Like I said before his management is excellent. For the people that pay to hunt there, they get what they pay for, thats for sure. What he does is no worse, and in most cases much better, than many others who own large tracts of land.

DS is right, some of the best hunting is on public lands, you just have to work to find it.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-11-2002 14:46: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>
"In exchange for 6,167 acres ... Turner turned over to the state 11,630 acres inside a second ranch south of Alder and 1,058 acres near Great Falls."

So, I meant 11.6+1-6.2= 6.4 thousand acres the state gained. Plus,

"State officials said the swap would increase the value of trust lands by $217,000 and generate an additional $6,577 annually for Montana's public schools."

So, he "gave" them money too. Yes, in exchange for some privacy and control on his own ranch, but the state got a net gain for sure, according to that story at the link above.
I would have done the same as Ted and bought the land and managed some awesome elk hunting for myself and friends, If I could afford to.
Heck it may have been the best thing for the herds to be protected by him, I dont know.
But doesnt the wildlife actually belong to you and I ? and if so can I go get me one of those nice bulls ?
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