Yeti GOBOX Collection

Tariffs and Potential Inflation

What is your best estimate on when the Kemmerer plant will be generating electricity?
As I understand the project to date, the operators have submitted their permitting application (Spring 2024). Best guess is that the NRC will be able to rule on the construction permit in late 2026 time frame. If approved, I am guessing a 3-4 yr construction period so late 2029 or early 2030 (just my WAG). Checkout and commissioning may take another year. So real power generation may be 2031 or 2032 at the earliest. Again, just my guess and likely on the optimistic side at that. But, this is the first liquid metal cooled reactor in the US for a long time (Expt'al Breeder Reactor at INL is that last that I can recall and it was operated from the mid-60's through the mid-90's) so the safety analyses and safety reports may take longer than current water-cooled designs that are operated today as the hazards (and mitigations) are very different. Disposal of radioactive liquid metal coolant is a huge issue and that will have to be addressed as part of the NEPA reviews before permitting is approved. And there is also a public comment period baked into that timeline that could get really dragged out if there is enough public resistance generated.
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