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Tariffs and Potential Inflation

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Money Bills start in the house, written by the GOP. You're correct that Dems joined in - lobbyists bribed everyone.

Manufacturing left well before Biden.
Not exactly. Both the House and the Senate have authorization committees (e.g., for DoD they are the HASC and the SASC) that authorize spending within their jurisdictions but can't appropriate funds. The HAC and the SAC are the respective Appropriations Committees and that is where legislation is written that allocates federal funds to the numerous government agencies, departments, and organizations on an annual basis. Prior to going to the President for signature, the HAC and the SAC have to come to a mutually agreed on Appropriations Act for each Fiscal year. So while the House may be Republican, the Senate has been Democrat under Biden and thus no money is spent by the USG without explicit Dem input and approval. If you are unhappy with any USG spending, blame it equally on both Parties at the House/Senate level or put it where it ultimately ends, on the President's desk.

Likely inflationary. Might be shortages.

Likely inflationary. Might be shortages.
Econ 101. Reduce supply, watch demand and cost of services launch

Likely inflationary. Might be shortages.
Asking to understand, are people okay with paying illegals to work which also avoids payroll taxes, reporting, OSHA, etc.
Asking to understand, are people okay with paying illegals to work which also avoids payroll taxes, reporting, OSHA, etc.
Hard to quantify exactly, but most undocumented illegals pay taxes because it is required by their employers to withhold the taxes. Certainly some don't. For example, someone who watches kids for a family so both parents can work. We could also argue that probably is a net positive even without paying taxes. Yes, I would rather these people come legally and get work permits so they can go back and forth as necessary. But as long as there is political capital to be gained in hating immigrants, legal immigration will never be expanded to the level we need.
Hard to quantify exactly, but most undocumented illegals pay taxes because it is required by their employers to withhold the taxes. Certainly some don't. For example, someone who watches kids for a family so both parents can work. We could also argue that probably is a net positive even without paying taxes. Yes, I would rather these people come legally and get work permits so they can go back and forth as necessary. But as long as there is political capital to be gained in hating immigrants, legal immigration will never be expanded to the level we need.
Does it not seem that both parties intransigence is purely political?
Does it not seem that both parties intransigence is purely political?
Yep. A lot of the time. What gets me worked up the most is just preventing reasonable ideas from going through to keep a side from claiming victory. There is enough bad ideas from both sides that they should never run out of fodder. At least they could get the reasonable stuff done.
Yep. A lot of the time. What gets me worked up the most is just preventing reasonable ideas from going through to keep a side from claiming victory. There is enough bad ideas from both sides that they should never run out of fodder. At least they could get the reasonable stuff done.
God forbid a good idea is implemented and 'either' side is credited...
The nursery I worked at the the past 2 seasons has sponsored several Mexican workers each season for many years going back. They work hard, know what needs to be done and do it without supervision. It is an expensive, and time consuming process to get the work visas. Qualified housing has to be provided by the business requesting the visa. 2 seasons ago, the immigration department started leaning on them to use undocumented immigrants that were now in our country, not the trained and experienced workers that have been coming up to work every year, the right way. The paper work was drug out to the point, the most experienced guy, did not get to work with us that year. He did get to work this past season.

It's a bureaucratic mess for sure.
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