Tape at the end of barrel?

+1 for finger cots...my little rifle condoms. $2.99 for a billion of them on Amazon prime, no tape residue left on the barrel.


Outstanding. I've seen these in hunting shows other than Fresh Tracks and wondered where in the heck they found such small condoms and how they summoned the humility to bring a box to the drugstore cashier.
Outstanding. I've seen these in hunting shows other than Fresh Tracks and wondered where in the heck they found such small condoms and how they summoned the humility to bring a box to the drugstore cashier.
Hang out with some meat cutters and they'll probably give you as many as you want, they usually have a ton of them.
+1 for finger cots...my little rifle condoms. $2.99 for a billion of them on Amazon prime, no tape residue left on the barrel.

Yep. I keep a bunch of these in my bino harness. Some complain that they are too thin and tear. Only had that happen once, so I simply slipped another one on. Easier than retaping after a shot too.
I started taping my muzzles when I first enlisted about 15 years ago, and never stopped. I suppose now more out of habit than anything else, since my grandfather, father and myself (when I was much younger) never taped and never once had any issues.
If ya want tape that works in the cold try
Scotch 3M Super 88+
I gave my last roll away and need to get another.
I have used freezer tape as my father did before me. I put some extra on the barrel to cover after the shot. In the 90s there were barrel condoms for sale. They tore easily and fell off if you didn't have a front sight. I finally gave up and went back to tape.
Always tape your barrel to prevent dirt or other debris entering unknowingly. There was a formal study done on the effects of taping vs accuracy. It was discovered that a bullet fired through a taped barrel end was actually more accurate. That was published in F&S a few years back.
You only have to fall once in the snow, plug your barrel, and then see the biggest bull of your life. That 4 mile walk back to camp while kicking yourself, will hammer it home.
You only have to fall once in the snow, plug your barrel, and then see the biggest bull of your life. That 4 mile walk back to camp while kicking yourself, will hammer it home.
Exactly why my Dad's Win70 338 now has a 20" barrel! He was lucky that day in that 4" of barrel is all that he lost.
Depending on where a guy hunts, you could still get a lot of debris down your barrel if you don't tape it. Yes, you can be extra careful and mind your muzzle as you always should, but go ahead and take your bolt out and look down the rifling after going through brush or timber for a day. Chances are there will be a few bits and pieces of bark, pinecones or leaves etc speckled inside the barrel. I also really dont like the thought of a few rain drops working their way down the barrel towards the action. I know it's just minuscule stuff and it probably won't affect accuracy enough to notice, but it's the little things that bug me. It's just one more small safeguard that adds up with all the other things we prepare against.
Having watched all of the Fresh Tracks episodes, I have noticed in the first seasons the ends of the rifle barrels were black. I always thought maybe it was just a custom black end. In season 7 ep 3 it looked like the ends of the rifles had electrical tape on them. > If it is I'm assuming its to keep rain/snow out of your barrel??? > If it is do you take the tape off before you shoot or leave it on? >If its not tape what is it?

Magic for cleanliness, but take off at night to prevent moisture build up. I used black finger cots. They can be reused and seal up better. They blow off from air pressure before the bullets hits them. They’re like mini-condoms.
I recommend putting tape on your muzzle at home when the rifle is warm and dry. Doesn't stick very well when your barrel is already cold and damp
Having watched all of the Fresh Tracks episodes, I have noticed in the first seasons the ends of the rifle barrels were black. I always thought maybe it was just a custom black end. In season 7 ep 3 it looked like the ends of the rifles had electrical tape on them. > If it is I'm assuming its to keep rain/snow out of your barrel??? > If it is do you take the tape off before you shoot or leave it on? >If its not tape what is it?
I have always used water balloons for that purpose
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