Tape at the end of barrel?

The tape works really good for an easy solution to keeping debris and water out of the barrel. There other options from go hunt and son other company’s that are small rubber boots or neoprene covers now as well.
Tape is cool but those chewy granola bar wrapers and a rubber band off a camloc strap work for a boss system muzzlebreak in a pinch.
Hey Guys! First post here. I realize this is an old thread, but there is this little thing called a fingercot. For the lack of a better description, they resemble a small "finger sized" condom. They are latex and can be bought on Amazon very cheaply.
Hey Guys! First post here. I realize this is an old thread, but there is this little thing called a fingercot. For the lack of a better description, they resemble a small "finger sized" condom. They are latex and can be bought on Amazon very cheaply.
The latex finger cots are much too flimsy. I've had them tear taking the gun in and out of the case. Can't beat elec tape.
Hey Guys! First post here. I realize this is an old thread, but there is this little thing called a fingercot. For the lack of a better description, they resemble a small "finger sized" condom. They are latex and can be bought on Amazon very cheaply.

not tough enough, and can come off easily. The friction from the elasticity of the latex isn't enough. I've seen people take the finger from a latex glove onto the barrel. At that point, just put the tape on there and call it good.
These work pretty good for Muzzleloaders. Not had any fall off yet. Not sure if they would hold as well on thinner rifle barrels though.

These work pretty good for Muzzleloaders. Not had any fall off yet. Not sure if they would hold as well on thinner rifle barrels though.

Assorted non-lubricated tiny condoms? I have a hug bag, and as long as you don’t rip them putting them on they seem to work.
I like to use the rubber covers for caulking, they fit tight over the entire barrel unlike a balloon. Super small to pack an extra, size of a dime. Can be put on in cold and snow without issues of sticking.