Tannys for Transfer

People's fisrt, knee-jerk reaction is, "sure, the states will do a better job." and they don't think beyond that. If you remind them of the costs of management, the propensity of states to sell land and how lock out the public, the numbers flip.
There was not much support for the tactics of the people who took over the Malheur Wildlife refuge in Oregon. Only about 1/3 of Montanans supported that, most opposed those tactics.
That statement is telling with regard to the population sample. It is surprising that about 1/3 supported the Bundy bunch Malheur Wildlife Refuge takeover tactics. I interpret that as a survey skewed toward a population comprised of an inordinately large number of right wing, even militia sympathizing Montanans.
I would like to know how they selected and who they interviewed. 'Seems less than random as far are a statewide survey, so I don't lend it much credence as representative of "Tannys".

From what I gather, informally of course, not even one in twenty or more support the Malheur debacle tactics of the Bundy wannbe militia.
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Thanks for the link, Ben. That does clarify the issue.

In my opinion, there are numerous poorly structured queries in that lengthy survey.
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