Tag your animal immediately!

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Bad deal! Too bad man.
You are wrong and $hit happens to good people.
You are preaching hope and change is what we need.
You got to hunt!
Enuf with this hope and change BS.

I would fight this as far as I reasonably could. This is wrong. The actions of the warden can be rationalized by some hard ass, but this was wrong. Good luck.
Good luck with your effort on getting this poorly written law changed.

"Immediately" is impossible, we all know that. I have had good fortune in Montana more than once, and apparently, according to this case I am a scofflaw.

Like others have said, clarification is needed, the way it is written it's open for interpretation on both sides.

Your request to view the full unedited video seems very reasonable, no more he said she said, just what actually happened.

Good luck.
Jim - I don't have a problem with changing the wording of the law - perhaps validate the tag before you move the animal. It would also be nice to have clarification on how to tag boned-out meat, and to allow the tag in your pocket while boning out meat.

It is your belief that FWP owes you compensation and an apology that I find so absurd, especially based on your own version of events which included a phone call and a person leaving the scene before you finally got around to tagging your animal. Yes, I might have taken that long in similar circumstances, but if I got busted I wouldn't be so flipp'n arrogant to think a clearly written law shouldn't apply to me, not to mention thinking I should get my expenses paid. Sometimes you just have to admit you eff'd up and move on.

And yes boys, Bridger skied fine today.
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Today, 11:56 AM #245

3. Timeline: I killed the elk around 7:55 am. Could only dress it out part way (stomach and intestines) because of how it was laying, rear legs in water, on it's right side with the head higher than the rest of it's body. For one guy to hold up the left rear leg and make the necessary cuts was hard to say the least. Warren was not there to help as he had left the site to get his tractor so we could finish dressing it out in the coral area... and then it moved out of the sun into the barn. It was over 70 degrees at that point. Drew showed up at the ranch and confiscated the elk around 12:00 ~ 12:30. Instead of turning south towards Livingston / Bozeman, he turned north towards Clyde Park. We then saw him drive past again approximately 45 minutes later. So this elk didn't reach any processor for 6 to 7 hours after it died. It was not fully dressed out and it was folded over on itself in the bright sun on a hot day.

I'm confused here... Did you not end up "fully dressing it out" once you got it back to the corral area with the tractor?
RobG- you don't seem to get what the biggest issue is here. The Montana game warden confiscated a legally harvested bull elk and let all the meat go to waste. You're okay with that?
RobG- you don't seem to get what the biggest issue is here. The Montana game warden confiscated a legally harvested bull elk and let all the meat go to waste. You're okay with that?

Gee man, how the story grows... You don't know that the meat was wasted and the elk wasn't legally harvested because it wasn't tagged legally, but I have said several times the warden was out of line. In fact I said he was acting like a dick if that makes you feel any better.
Gee man, how the story grows... You don't know that the meat was wasted and the elk wasn't legally harvested because it wasn't tagged legally, but I have said several times the warden was out of line. In fact I said he was acting like a dick if that makes you feel any better.

Jim was innocent of the charges until proven guilty in court just like anyone else in this country. It was incumbent on the GW when he confiscated the bull to properly care for it as evidence until the case was adjudicated. Only then would they be able to give it to a food bank if Jim was found guilty and the case was completed. He obviously didn't do that because all that was left when the Prosecutor dismissed the case was the rack to give back to Jim. The GW should at least have to show the meat was properly transported, processed, and given to a food bank for use for him to get out of a wanton waste citation. Even if that was done, and it hasn't been, that doesn't absolve him from not following the letter of the law himself if he's going to be so picky about using the word "immediately" to confiscate it in the first place like he did.

The phone call was to my sister-in-law, asking her to pick up her husband on the highway. The call took less than 30 seconds.

My brother left the scene to meet his wife on the highway... to get the tractor so we could get the elk out of the field asap, finish dressing out and hang it in the barn out of the sun.

And RobG... you said yourself the warden was wrong in his actions and I'm not looking to make enemies with anyone here. But if you can't tell the difference between arrogance, and having the balls to stand up against someone with a badge and a chip on his shoulder... and who was wrong on so many counts in doing his job, I'd advise you start reading from the beginning. Please keep in mind, WE are the ones who are pushing the FWP to sit down together and go through this video in it's UNEDITED version to put an end to this. They (FWP and the production company) have seen it, so why are they withholding it from us!
Okay, with that being said, AGAIN, I'm not here to debate that, according to the written rule and my own interoperation of it, I was late in tagging my elk. I would have gladly paid the fine and you get bet your a$$, would have learned a valuable lesson. But how it was handled, the outcome, a private production company in partnership with state enforcement officers and the vagueness of a rule that thousands of people want changed, THAT is why I'm here.

When we got back to the ranch we changed the "hook up" and had the bull hanging from the tractor bucket. In the field I could only get the intestines and stomach out so I was about to split the chest and neck open when the warden pulled in and interrupted me . The bull was only half cleaned when Scott drove off with it.
I had used the same statement on a different forum and should have taken this out..This is my last statement on this site.

I'm not going anywhere guys. Sorry if that's how it looked Poke 'Em I looked at the Wardens TV Show face book page. The only mention of this case is where they said something like, a small vocal group is trying to take Wardens off the air. I saw about 50 ~ 60 replies to that.
I looked at the Wardens TV Show face book page.

I had never looked at this fb page until I saw this. The first thing that pops up is their post of their "wallpaper" with the wardens mugs on it. Tell me they aren't getting a bit of a Hollywood complex after looking at that picture.

Have to go wash the slight hint of vomit out of my mouth.
Topgun, it is my bet that it is not this guys last post. Yours either. mtmuley

With all respect Dale, you're not keeping up with the thread and what Jim stated. Jim has been on more than this site and has done some C/Ping onto this site from another one to save him some time. That other site is where he told the members that and he just forgot to delete that line when he C/pd stuff over to this thread! That is what he was saying when he made that reply and you obviously didn't understand what he was saying. That is why I asked you about your post. Hey, send me a PM and tell me how you and the kids did this past season on your hunts!
So let me get this right? You cut the intestines and esophagus and left all that green oozing goodness in the body cavity? And you are bitching about not getting your meat? Seems Drew did you a favor.
So let me get this right? You cut the intestines and esophagus and left all that green oozing goodness in the body cavity? And you are bitching about not getting your meat? Seems Drew did you a favor.

I highly doubt this is what happened. He probably moved it to the barn to finish skinning and quartering.
When you cut the intestines and esophagus you will in fact allow nasty meat spoiling green oozing stomach matter to leak into the body cavity. If he cored out the butthole and pulled it through then he would eliminate that issue, but it doesn't sound like that was done. If anyone has accidentally cut the lower intestines while gutting an animal you would know what I am talking about. Admitting to cutting the intestines out and then blaming meat spoilage on the Game Warden is pretty ridiculous. Sounds like someone needs to watch some game processing videos.
When you cut the intestines and esophagus you will in fact allow nasty meat spoiling green oozing stomach matter to leak into the body cavity. If he cored out the butthole and pulled it through then he would eliminate that issue, but it doesn't sound like that was done. If anyone has accidentally cut the lower intestines while gutting an animal you would know what I am talking about. Admitting to cutting the intestines out and then blaming meat spoilage on the Game Warden is pretty ridiculous. Sounds like someone needs to watch some game processing videos.

Who cares how he went about gutting the elk. It has nothing to do with the ridiculous way the game warden handled this situation.
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