SW CO Hermosa Creek Drainage Motor Use/Camping Regulations - BHA Involvement


Active member
Mar 23, 2017
Hey all,
Yesterday I completed the last signage project for designation of allowed roads and camping sites in the Hermosa Creek Special Managment Area. I am a member of the regional BHA chapter and volunteered to help. There was one far reaching signing component we couldn’t finish last weekend and decided to go back solo this weekend to finish it.

What I liked about this project was that it is meant to use knowledge, instead of rule mandates, and get ahead of a well-known problem and attempt to address issues with unauthorized camping/motorized travel use before it gets any more out of hand in this management area. Awareness and knowledge is key. This puts managment in our hands as we participate, instead of the other alternatives.

The forest service approached BHA to help get this done as their staffing is very limited concentrating on other projects and issues. We were more than happy to help.

There are many different types of user groups in this drainage. They all use and promote it to their respective peers in very different ways. Keep in mind, ~99% of users access this drainage with a motorized vehicle. Hopefully we can find common ground for all groups concerning proper enforcement of the HCSMA regulations into the future.

I am very proud of BHA for stepping up before other groups to ensure protection of this resource.

On a personal note, this is just over the ridge from my house to the west. I spent a lot of time here and have seen the motor use grow exponentially in the last 20 years. I love being able to help steward a special place if only just for a weekend. It was great experience and I highly suggest everyone put some volunteer time in. Awesome day with my 2 1/2 year old. She pointed and said ‘mountain’, ‘creek’, and ‘bird’ all day.

Keep up the good fight out there and get your boots on the ground!

Edit: Interesting parallel:
Oak posted info about the Gunnison ranger district posting camping changes in certain drainages. Please read this thread and keep in mind the context of groups helping with management over mandate being placed on us. Each has benefits in different situations. Both styles are effective. Both are needed in my opinion.

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Thanks for your efforts on this. It’s good that you were able to bring your 2.5 year old on the trip! Makes me think I need to get mine out more.
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