


New member
Mar 21, 2012
Do you guys take a daily vitamin or supplement that you feel is really worth it?

I just started a new workout regimen(CROSSFIT!!) last week and changed my diet. No sugars or grains. Just lean meats, fruits and veggies.

Trying to lose about 30 extra pounds I have been carrying around.....
You should be able to get pretty much all that you will need from meat, veggie and fruit. A one a day multi vitamin won't hurt a thing. Beyond that you may want to look into fish oil and vit d if you're not getting enough sunshine out there. Anything else is getting lost in your piss and flushed down the toilet
Hooligan - just a heads up - I have been doing Crossfit for 4 months. It's a butt kicker for sure but you'll get out of it what you put into it. After the wod will need to sit / lay / fall down for a few minutes. Like I said earlier - I started 4 months ago with the intention of loosing that same extra 30 I've been carrying around (doing the paleo thing too (strict). Well I lost the 30 and am down 47 pounds at this point (started at 225 - 6' tall). Scary thing is that I thought once I lost the weight I would just need to maintain, but I find myself wanting more - setting new goals and really not caring too much about the weight any more. I care more about my endurance and how I perform in the classes - pretty cool environment too (at least at my box for the 6am workouts).
Oh and what the other guys said about supplements. You'll get what you need out of the food you eat - just eat clean - Lean meats and lots of veggies. Multi Vitamin not a bad idea - but I wouldn't go crazy with other stuff.
WOW! Great job Deerhunter! I am 5'8", sitting at 232. (Started last Wednesday at 235) Want to be back around my 195/200 lb ass kicking body I had in the Navy.
I hear ya on it being a butt kicker. I am still doing slightly modified movements on the the WOD, and had my first 1 mile run today...I was wheezing like a fat kid running form the cake police, but I finished.
This riding a desk thing has gotten me out of shape and into a shape...ROUND
Time to change that
Doing something similar, but using a trainer (3 times a week along with hiking). Changed my diet completely and the guys are right, eat enough good stuff and you don't need the supplements. Still take Flintstones multivitamin at the recommendation of a nutritionist friend of ours. Biggest change for me was booze.

It's remarkable how well the weight comes off when you don't drink. Grains, etc have all been cut back. No eating after 8 pm helps with weight loss as well. So much for the late night blizzard in honor of Big Fin. :)
LOL - yea booze will get you. Now mind you I am not much of a quitter so I do partake in kicking back a few brews now and again, but I don't drink weekdays anymore and limit myself to only 2 max. Amazing how much of a lightweight I have become with holding my booze. Pretty sad actually!!! Keep at it Hooligan - this stuff works! Nice job Ben!!! It's great seeing results.
Do you guys take a daily vitamin or supplement that you feel is really worth it?

I just started a new workout regimen(CROSSFIT!!) last week and changed my diet. No sugars or grains. Just lean meats, fruits and veggies.

Trying to lose about 30 extra pounds I have been carrying around.....

Congratulations on doing Crossfit, I am have been doing it for a few years and the change has been great. The one grain I have a problem not having is in the beer variety kind. Good luck and make sure you go at least 3 times a week. Yes I do take vitamins and drink whey protein drinks. The protein drinks you can add berries to them to enhance the flavor. If you aren't doing dairy, use water, coconut milk or almond milk for the drink.
LOL - yea booze will get you. Now mind you I am not much of a quitter so I do partake in kicking back a few brews now and again, but I don't drink weekdays anymore and limit myself to only 2 max. Amazing how much of a lightweight I have become with holding my booze. Pretty sad actually!!! Keep at it Hooligan - this stuff works! Nice job Ben!!! It's great seeing results.

I broke down and had 4 brews last Friday. Could not believe the hangover the next day. I tried the 2 drink max thing, and discovered my will power was incredibly weak when it came to booze, so have just had to cut it out all together.

Good luck and keep kicking butt!!
I whole heartedly agree, beer is going to be the biggest thing I will crave.

Our Box owner says drink Vodka if you want to relax a little. Might give it a pun intended. :D

Thanks for the support guys, I will keep you posted!
I whole heartedly agree, beer is going to be the biggest thing I will crave.

Our Box owner says drink Vodka if you want to relax a little. Might give it a pun intended. :D

Thanks for the support guys, I will keep you posted!

I tried it with Vodka too, but after 6 Vodka Tonics, I ate a whole blueberry cake. :D
My daily supplements consist of Prozac, Budweiser, and

LMAO. I am cheap. Mine is just Busch Lite. I believe in the two drink thing. Two open at a time.

My kid is an MMA fighter and after his next fight, he is going to try to get certified as a cross-fit trainer. He is a fitness psycho with this fight thing.

I'll just stay with my 2.5 mile a day walk with the dog for now.:D
Hooligan and DeerHunter...congrats on your new venture into Crossfit. Been doing it for over 4 years now.. Got hooked and also became a trainer for the box I attend. Best shape I have ever been. On our 9 day Colorado elk hunting trip (with Critter) this year we put on several miles each day in and around 12000 ft. Felt great. Doing Crossfit only and nothing else, so I can attest that you guys won't be disappointed. As far as supplements go, nothing other than lots of fish oil and vit D. Like mentioned above, I feel like I get what I need from eating as clean as I can. I will admit I still have to hit DQ occasionally! :) Good luck and congrats on a great lifestyle change. Stick with it.
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