Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

A North Carolina Fox Squirrel Hunt

I posted arecipe above somewhere that usually works pretty well with anyone, and it is easy because it is on the grill. But the meat is really mild and you can just pan fry them with a little bit of butter and olive oil, some onions and garlic and they are really awesome that way as well. Skin them like this guy -
Then chop them into 4 pieces with a cleaver or hatchet. Back in the day, I used to feed them to colleagues and fussy kids. Never had a kid that didn't love the things, especially because they ate them off like a drumstick on a chicken - with their hands.
I like his jig. I may have to try that. I normally just step on the tail
There are multiple subspecies of fox sq. If you want to kill one, hunt mixed pine ridges from around 1000 to 1400. I would imagine it's more of a challenge without a dog. With a dog they're a nuisance. I try to wrap up a morning hunt by ten and not start until after two.

I generally don't shoot ours because they're kinda chewy. If you do, don't hold back. An extra bullet when one is way up a tall pine is worthwhile insurance.
Hunting squirrels (at 10-13) taught me how to hunt deer... anywhere. The day I sheathed into a fork-horn with 3 does at 20 yds and They didn't know I was there B4 I knew they were, was the day I got my MOS (Masters of Sneeky).
I'm resurrecting this thread because, almost a year to the date, I went trophy hunting again and killed another color phase of fox squirrel. Today's hunt consisted of the same two locations, I had a buddy with me this time though. Our first sit was where I killed the squirrel last year. We let the sun get up but the squirrels weren't moving. We decided to jump over to the second spot I went last year, where I took the picture of the fox squirrel. Not 10 minutes after I sat down, this good sized buck squirrel came hopping along. I moved to get the angle on him, he climbed the tree, and I waited. He poked his head out and that was that.

I was looking for a pitch black color phase this time, he has a white nose but I'm still perfectly happy with it. 20231216_084421.jpg
That's an especially pretty color phase compared to what I see around here. Most of them look like the greys excepting a black head. I did kill a black one like that last night for someone who wanted a specimen to mount.