
like others said...Fish oil and Vit D (but just in winter when i don't get as much sun)
...but also glucosamine...i have a few vertebrae fused together in my neck and it's the only thing that helps with joint stiffness. you can buy it at costco for $10-$15 for a bottle of 300 or hunting dog takes 2 a day with me for his joints ;-)
I am on the Flintstone chewable, and Vit C (500mg the great tasting orange chewables) plan too. I have kids :)
Most suppliments are a waste of time and $. Eat elk!
If want to lose 30lbs, keep with xfit or some form of cardio, make sure you are not eating fast food. Cut down on beer. Finally, don't be too concerned with eating 'right' i.e. grains, fruits, etc etc. Just be smart, do not be a pig and do not eat late night either.
UPDATE....6 weeks in.....down over 2 inches from my waste, and shed 13 pounds so far. I dropped 10 right away, gained 5 back (muscle I hope) and now headed back down. Started at 235, sitting this a.m. at 222. A few folks that havent seen me in a couple months say it looks like I have lost more. Totally reshaping my body, and it feels good to be sore ALL THE TIME....Now I have to call the guys at Mystery Ranch and get a smaller waistbelt....

This Crossfit thing is no joke, a real ball buster. But it's amazing!!!!
Crap. Been a while since I have updated this. Gained a bunch of weight back over Christmas and was a back at 231 on Jan 1. Recommitted, and started doing 5 x a week workouts instead of 3 and being more strict on what I eat.

210 today!!! Almost there, but the biggest difference is how different I look and feel. Amazing results in 4 months time.,
Hooligan- Congrats on the work and results. I should mirror that, but I'm lazy... ;) I've been doing WOD on M-W-F for a few months (workout with some folks at the local Y for free!) and in the last two weeks have been more committed to at least two cardio days a week as well. I hope to make the same strides you have. And yes, something is sore all the time!
Keep it up guys - I am 8 months in - complete game changer for me. I've never eaten better or felt better. I had a few set back along the way inc. a rotator cuff injury, but otherwise still rocking along. Keep after it. When I get up 5 days a week at 4:30am I want nothing more than to hit snooze, but I drag out of bed and do the Crossfit gig - Stretch, Oly, WOD.

My wife said to me, I never thought I'd like a guy with muscles, (think she was just being nice) as I was a little more doughy before. Still have a ways to go, but now I'm not doing it for the looks. I am doing it to make myself that much better, to get over the next hill to shoot that critter that the guy who doesn't work out will never see ;) Stay after it!!!!
Diet change WILL lose the weight for you.

My family and I make all of our food from scratch. I stopped buying sugar in August and have lost 45 lbs since then. Now I have to work to keep weight on!

It's amazing how much faster I can make it up the mountain now. If you need to, count calories. In the past I over-trained and dealt with injury issues. Slow and steady is best. Don't kill yourself.
Thanks guys! Yep, I am not as concerned any more with how much I weigh, but how I feel. I am stronger, faster, and lighter than I have been in a LONG time. It was so funny the other night when my wife hugged me and said "I cant believe how much less there is of you" LOL
Well, I have to go cook elk burgers here shortly, as the chef is baking for the Farmer's Market tomorrow morning. We're also having organic, locally raised potatoes turned into french fries. Maybe not health food, but at least "healthier", right?
But I'm even mildly alarmed that I've put on a few pounds lately. Am mainly blaming it on lack of physical activity, as have been too damn busy to even go cross-country skiing. Tsk. Too bad mental activity doesn't burn calories at similar rates, and you'd think it would, but...
Speaking of mental activity, and supplements, another thing that came up again today is how that ties into Omega-3's. That discussion was with a veterinarian who has chimed in here (and served on the elk brucellosis working group) Mark Albrecht. We'd taken a cat there today, who might not have mental problems but is having tooth issues. It came up about how Omega-3's are of benefit to not only humans, but benefit joint function, cardiovascular, skin and hair tone in pets also. And beyond that, recent research is indicating they also help with brain function, including possibly everything from bipolar disorder and depression, to possibly Alzheimers. And, Mark mentioned there's evidence pets are happier with Omega-3 supplements. But then we've known for a while that our camelina is pet approved!


That was a lucky shot of Molly in a field of our camelina last June. Camelina's an ancient oilseed that we grow here on the Rockpile, and also buy from other farmers. We cold-press the oil, and sell it as an Omega-3 supplement. Probably 10% of our business is pet use, but must warn you that it's habit forming for humans also.
So at the risk of blatant promotion, hopefully Randy won't ban me, but...
Like I say on that site, though, healthy diet is of benefit to EVERYONE! You talk about a win-win...!
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Very good points, but don't rule of portion control. If you have to, go pick up a handful of smaller dinner plates so it still looks like you are piling on the mac and cheese.May sound dumb, but works.

Diet change WILL lose the weight for you.

My family and I make all of our food from scratch. I stopped buying sugar in August and have lost 45 lbs since then. Now I have to work to keep weight on!

It's amazing how much faster I can make it up the mountain now. If you need to, count calories. In the past I over-trained and dealt with injury issues. Slow and steady is best. Don't kill yourself.
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