Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

super tags


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Was wondering how many of you guys buy chances at the super tags in Idaho and Montana?i just bought a few for moose and sheep.Anyone on here ever win a super tag?Think it would be pretty awesome to have one of those tags in your pocket
I havent, but a good friend won the sheep super tag in Idaho.

Yes, I buy a few chances here and there.
Always buy a few in Montana. Maybe someday.....................
I'm good for a few. Plus a few raffle tags.

Better than playing the lottery and the money actually goes to a good cause.

(So far I haven't bought any SFW raffle tags! ;) )
I always buy moose sheep and goat chances in MT. Would almost rather draw one of these then win the lottery would be a whole lot less of a headache
huntbux,thanks for letting me know about Nevada.I just bought some tickets to their dream hunts
No problem about the Dream Hunts..... Hope someone gets one that is from this site.
My wife and I always buy each other super hunt apps as stocking stuffers, someday she will get a elk tag for Christmas.
I buy elk and sheep chances in Montana every year. I look at it as a donation to a good cause. I can't even compute the odds of drawing another one!!
I buy some in Idaho when I put in for the other draws. Maybe someday!
My wife drew the Bison SuperTag in 2008..............the worst year in history to have a bison tag. Only one buffalo came out of the park all year.

Pretty tough to swallow an unfilled Super Tag..........
My wife drew the Bison SuperTag in 2008..............the worst year in history to have a bison tag. Only one buffalo came out of the park all year.

Pretty tough to swallow an unfilled Super Tag..........

OUCH! At the very least, I would've framed that thing and hung it on my wall somewhere to say I at least had the tag. Bummer though.
I buy them for sheep, moose and bison in MT. Haven't bought any Idaho in the past.

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