
Sunday Pic of the Day

Late hatch.
Thank you oldest son for casting off the shackles of teenagerdom and coming deer hunting this morning. Thank you youngest son for coming on a hike this afternoon, wearing your coyote tail cap 😅 and thank you rain for driving all the tourists off the mountain. It's a beautiful time of year here, even when it's cold, windy and wet.
Plug your ears @JLS

After filling the truck with a load of fire wood we took the long way home looking for grouse. My oldest playing trigger m man in the backseat with her single shot 410. I didn't expect to see any birds with the heat and amount of traffic where we were cutting. Well see did, we saw a shitton. Started with ruffies and progressed into blues. Unfortunately my daughter played the part of someone who's never handled a gun before... then progressed to an Elmer Fudd wannabe... she finally got one to tree, hold for a minute shy of eternity, and bagged her first grouse.

The last group had to have a dozen adult birds scattered across a 5 acre slope covered in elderberries all getting up a singles 20-60 seconds apart.

Again... we got one.


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