Caribou Gear Tarp

Sunday Pic of the Day

Neatest bird from this weekend.

I'm assuming that is a Blue-wing teal hen. Never encountered them on the Olympic Peninsula; but I used to enjoy hunting Green-winged teal on some salt water marshes and sloughs here many years ago. Their darting and dodging flight always reminded me of quail, which are probably my favorite upland game bird--both are challenging targets and fine table fare!
Finally said F' it! Took a day off to get out just for fun. (Health issues, property maintenance and disposal, vehicles and other concerns have co-opted my attention for more than three years.)

Went out with younger neighbor to show him how to identify Chanterelle mushrooms and the habitat likely to hold them here on Washington State's Olympic Peninsula. I set my camera out in the morning, then still forgot to take it along. So neighbor Carl and his smart phone get credit for the photo. Carl caught on quickly and soon out-picked me. It was great to get out again into woods where I used to bow hunt elk more than three decades ago!

What's the appropriate sacrifice to appease the mule deer gods? Asking for a friend.
Well, we can begin enumerating with time, miles, thousands of feet of climbing and descending, blisters, hypothermic episodes, heat stress, shoulders bruised both by sighting-in sessions and pack straps, eyestrain and similar physical investments. Don't even get me started on the financial ones!

Of course, none of those offerings is restricted to appeasing just the Mule deer gods. Isn't it amazing how they result in some of the fondest memories of a lifetime?
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