Caribou Gear

Sunday Pic of the Day

Just got home from a 6 mile hike in the Roosevelt Jungle



there was a herd in this cut in the morning before we got there , they had tore up the dirt and stuff in front of the log John is on

when you looked closer at the dirt in front of the log there was elk hair all over from them shedding there winter coats, you can see 5 or 6 hairs in this close up pic below

This was our 1 time hiking in this area , we found some bull rubs from last season , then we found the evidence he survived season . We discovered about 10 trees were he was working to loose his antlers , this was the best tree , we split up and worked the area trying to find a shed , no luck .
And a close up of the rub , the bulls hair is infused in the tree bark
In this pic the yellow arrow points to the flat the 1st pic was taken , Then we discovered an old logging road that went up the ridge from long ago that we were able to work and pop out into the cut where the herd have been that morning, The red line shows kind of a general way we traveled
The walk back out
After exploring the area and some of the old spur roads up there that the bull and used during last seasons rut we figured out which Canyon he was coming out of , and last Sunday we did 8 mile hike on the other road system on the far canyon south of us so we kind of got a general idea where he likes hanging out so will be back this archery season to have a go at him
Tough guy.