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Sunday Pic of the Day

I had the day off so I decided to go walk elk trails in the Pacific Northwest and look for a good spot to hang a trail camera to see if we can get a cool picture of a big bull since the ruts getting ready to start here pretty soon and the bulls will start moving a lot more.

One of the crazy things I found today was a giant old growth log, I don’t know when this was cut down and left laying in the woods 50 60 70 years ago I have no idea how long it would take for a tree this ginormous to rot away. They were actually quite a few in this patch of timber that I was cruising around in on the elk trails , but this was one of the ones that gave the best photo opportunity.

this picture is deceptive because you can see the elk trail goes around it over a little creek but the photo actually doesn’t give the tree any real kind of size or depth or comparison. I was so focused on the L trail and looking for a shed I first walked past it and didn’t even notice it and then on the way back I looked at it and said holy crap!!!! it’s kind of a freaking giant

This is where I kind of squatted down in front of the tree almost right up against it to try to capture the width and the circumference of how big around this thing was and I can’t even get the bottom of the tree in my picture even though I’m holding the phone out as far as I can while I’m up against the tree itself

and a different angle

wild stuff in the Roosevelt Kingdom
After hanging my camera up in area where the old growth tree was I dropped down into a place we call the swamp to check a trail camera that we’ve had out since last summer there so many deer and elk down in that area we just don’t pull it, Just go down in there every three or four months and delete all the pictures off of it there was 421 pictures today and I deleted the pictures off of it sometime in mid April and out of the 421 pics, I bet there is only 30-40 pictures that were Wind blown shots leaving me to go through 380 animal pics .

Working my way towards the camera it’s like being in the south or something it’s just weird cool vibe being down in this jungle swamp place

So this grass is like waist high and you look out there and you think oh there’s nothing down in here and then as you walk through the grass elk beds just start appearing every where

There’s different types of grass down here and this type pictured below are just above the knee and it’s the same thing , it looks like not anything goes through there but hidden under the grass is Elk trails 14 inches wide

this is me pulling back the grass to expose the an elk trail

This is the same picture as two pictures above, if you look closely you can just see the elk trail that I’m walking I tried to highlight it

What we’ve noticed in the last year since this camera has stayed in the same spot, is mid August through the end of September they’ll be a lot of bull activity on it and then the rest of the year the other or 10 1/2 months it’s lots of cows and calves and spike bulls ,and Blacktail deer. Here’s some of the summer highlights we don’t ever set the date and time

a young Rosie Branch bull starting his growth , probably be a 4 point

Well that was my Monday 😎
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We had a Cooper's Hawk nest in our neighborhood. Three fledglings have been coming to our yard daily to try to nab the sparrows that beef up on our chicken feed. They're fun to watch, clumsy at hunting, and not shy of us whatsoever. It's also the only time I've seen hawks hunting together. They try to gang up on the sparrows hiding in our plum tree. Never seen any of them successful yet, but they'll figure it out eventually. Photo taken this last Sunday

Finally found my first live rattlesnake of the year yesterday, but he was just a little guy. Today I found a very large road kill. Maybe biggest I have seen. I wouldn’t want to crawl up on one this size.


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Finally found my first live rattlesnake of the year yesterday, but he was just a little guy. Today I found a very large road kill. Maybe biggest I have seen. I wouldn’t want to crawl up on one this size.
I measured something awhile back on Hunttalk, ended up being a whale 🐳………. Ha ha ha , it was a big snake also 45A574A7-912B-413E-A923-2AECEA2991FC.jpeg
We had a Cooper's Hawk nest in our neighborhood. Three fledglings have been coming to our yard daily to try to nab the sparrows that beef up on our chicken feed. They're fun to watch, clumsy at hunting, and not shy of us whatsoever. It's also the only time I've seen hawks hunting together. They try to gang up on the sparrows hiding in our plum tree. Never seen any of them successful yet, but they'll figure it out eventually. Photo taken this last Sunday

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Great photo. We have Coopers Hawks taking Eurasian doves around my place fairly often. Doves fly fast but they’re not really quick at jumping around. I bet the quick little sparrows give em a tough time!

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