Suggestions for a quail gun?

It appears I’m in the market for what I would call a quail gun, that would bring a touch of class to my outdoor activities (and some fundraiser shoots). Looking for a 20ga with a 26” barrel, wood furniture, fairly light, hopefully a semi-auto. Had my heart set on a beretta a400 upland, but I’ve read some bad reviews on them while waiting on a sale/good used buy. Dad is trying to sell me on a O/U, but I like having a third shot (since I like to miss).

Can anybody recommend something that fits the bill without making you go broke?
I went this route about four years ago with a Benelli 20 ga. Never got on with the semi-auto after growing up with pumps, SxS and O/U's. Too light in the barrel and swung poorly. Traded it for a Franchi Instinct and have never regretted it for a second. The Franchi shoots amazingly well, points like a dream, has lovely wood and case hardened steel and is something I will happily hand down to a grandkid someday when I'm done with it.
If you like to miss..........get a single shot and your thinking should change. And don't think you need three shots. A bird in the hand..........
I used ta do that when I was in elementary school. Went from a single shot 410 to 20 ga to 12 ga to an 12 ga autoloader! Would have used a howitzer if I could have (freaking birds ticked me off). Then I started to hit something once in a while and came back down :)
In that case, my best advice...

1a. Spend ALL that money on the ring now. When you're still happily married at your 5th anniversary buy yourself whatever shotgun you $%&# want.

1b. If you choose to ignore 1a above, never let your fiance find out you bought a shotgun w savings you didn't spend on the ring.

Or, alternatively, a really nice shotgun makes a great wedding gift to you from all your groomsmen.

And, congrats!
Agree - good advice right there.

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