Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Suck for these people.

As I have read through these comments I had similar thoughts. I have seen bleeding heart libs on here show such a double standard on issues. Lots of leniency on some issues but double down the judgement when it comes to issues with others with opposite views. Seems equality and tolerance is reserved only for those you agree with. In our world today that type of hypocrisy is par for the course.
When it was the WNBA player it was all about "hope she's home soon". But with these fellow hunters the attitude seems to be more like a "do the crime, do the time" type mindset with little mercy.
“Bleeding heart liberals” -you cracked the code. 😎👊🏻
I don't know who you're referring to, but again, Griner knew the rules and got pinched the same as the hunters.

Get it together or pay the man.

Not more complicated than that, you're trying way too hard to make it something it's not. Not everything is a gdamn liberal conspiracy...
Your right, it's not complicated at all. The hypocrisy is in plain sight.
Funny how what used to be call conspiracy theory became reality in many cases.
Your right, it's not complicated at all. The hypocrisy is in plain sight.
Funny how what used to be call conspiracy theory became reality in many cases.

Only thing in plain sight is how dumb people are when it comes to traveling out of the country.

Probably not the best idea to pack loose ammo and hash...common sense, just flat isn't that common.