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Suck for these people.

Accidents happen, does that mean we shouldn't be held accountable for them?

because that's not the way their criminal justice system works as fast as I can tell. There doesn't appear to be a difference in the law of accidental vs premeditated.
It was against the law, no doubt. But clearly and accident. I’m referring to the lack of empathy on your part. These guys are fellow hunters, Americans, husbands and fathers.
It was against the law, no doubt. But clearly and accident. I’m referring to the lack of empathy on your part. These guys are fellow hunters, Americans, husbands and fathers.
Why do I need to be empathetic for those reasons? People break laws all the time, am I supposed to be empathetic for every one of them because it was an accident? What defines an accident in your eyes? What defines an accident in my eyes?

Many people in prison are fathers and fellow hunters should I be empathetic for them as well? Should I only be empathetic for weapons related crimes? What about drug? What about vice crimes?

Should I not be emphatic if they were single without kids? What if they weren't US citizens?
Why do I need to be empathetic for those reasons? People break laws all the time, am I supposed to be empathetic for every one of them because it was an accident? What defines an accident in your eyes? What defines an accident in my eyes?

Many people in prison are fathers and fellow hunters should I be empathetic for them as well? Should I only be empathetic for weapons related crimes? What about drug? What about vice crimes?

Should I not be emphatic if they were single without kids? What if they weren't US citizens?
I guess I just see things through a different lens than you. I hope you never find yourself in a situation where you made a mistake and needed someone to show you some understanding.
Had some fall out of my pocket in junior high. (I realize that for some of you guys that was normal back in the day but this was early 2000's) luckily I had a cool Ag teacher. Can't even imagine what would happen now if it were my kids.
I had a guy making a new gunstock for his shotgun in high school. His shotgun was in his locker for a semester. He’d walk in the hallway with the gun. Nobody panicked.

I’d go to high school with a shotgun in my truck to hunt pheasants after school. Today - instant suspicion.

The core of the problem for these guys is not spending two minutes to make sure their bags are empty before packing. I feel sorry for them but they should have tried harder.

Hopefully, I have several out of country trips in my future.
We crossed into Quebec a couple weeks ago to go out for dinner (the closest restaurant to us). At the Canadian Customs we were pulled over for a random secondary inspection ( normal procedure… maybe every 50th car or so). My wife remembered she had her pepper spray in her purse. Pepper spray is illegal in Canada. As the officers approached, we surrendered the pepper spray. We explained that due to all the illegals crossing the border by our home, we are armed with gun or spray at all times. My wife was scolded, the spray seized, no official entry on her record, and we were allowed to continue. Lesson learned for my very embarrassed wife !!
One time coming out of Grand Junction I got stopped at security for having an spent rifle casing in my carry on. It was my first really good bull and I didn't want to put it in my luggage as it didn't want it lost.They stopped me and pulled me aside. Called the sheriff and while I waited I tried to talk reason to the young uniformed TSA agents. Sheriff and head TSA came and asked why they held me. "He has a rifle casing in his carry on says TSA". Sheriff : "did you notice there is no bullet in the casing?" " yes but its been shot and has residue in it says , TSA" And the Sheriff says" I bet he does", Head TSA "Have a nice trip".
I saw it and what I hate most is the gofundme. While I feel sorry for the mistake they made, Im tired of people not paying for their own mistakes and expecting everyone else to do it for them. The other story I saw said his family was being held there too so they could tug on your heart strings for the funding. No where does it say they sold their house or cashed in 401k…etc..etc…just gofundme. I could be wrong and maybe they did, but I’m guessing not. I wish them the best of luck. Never use your hunting bags for other regular travel.
I guess I just see things through a different lens than you. I hope you never find yourself in a situation where you made a mistake and needed someone to show you some understanding.
In other words, let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Karma's a bitch.
Sucks for them but if anything, it just reiterates the importance of going over your sh*t before a trip. I personally don't use hunting or work gear (Army) when traveling for leisure because of that. It's one thing to have misplaced ammo found on my way to a hunting destination or traces of RDX on my army gear when I'm travelling on orders, than when I'm going on vacation with my family.

I was flagged for traces of RDX on my army gear while flying commercial last time I was flying out of the Middle East. Even with orders, military ID and complete and coherent story, it was a pain in the ass...

Were the detainees well funded and connected they wouldn't be there. They aren't enforcing those kinds of laws against Americans without approval of Feds. US tourism is vital to their economy. "Let those boys out or starve when we enact a travel ban."

Very narrow minded and egocentrical view of the world. This same attitude is probably why many Americans, and first world country citizens, get in trouble overseas...
A hefty fine? They didn’t bring in firearms and it was a small amount of ammo. I don’t think it needs to be so extreme.

Your vehicle could be considered a weapon. So the next time your caught speeding, you’d be fine with prison time?
That's not the law. When you're a guest in another country you abide by their laws, regardless of how American centric your world views are.

So your example is pointless and asinine.

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