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Suck for these people.

You mean like the millions of Americans in prison for low level drug crimes?

This happens all the time in America, it's just not brought up because it predominantly effects lower income non-white.

So no, I won't waste my empathy on this. If you don't want to be held accountable to other countries laws, don't leave the US.
It was actually brought up by advocates and both political parties.
I threw out a rough number, but let's see.

Feds say 45% of prisoners are for drug related offenses. [1]

Let's see, 1.25M prisoners total [2]

So no, not millions, I concede the point. But if we do add in parole it'll get above a million, not that's not in prison but close.

[1] https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/statistics_inmate_offenses.jsp

“You mean like the millions of Americans in prison for low level drug crimes?”

At best that is flawed logic to conflate inmates in prison on drug distribution charges with low level drug crimes.

Don’t let facts undermine hyperbole.

Hyperbole totally rips into this insane bar and absolutely destroys everything.
I’m packing for a quick fishing trip in the Quetico Provincial Park and thought of these fellas when I just found a couple of .308 cartridges in the bottom corner of my pack. Canada would not lock me up for 12 years of hard time if I had brought them with but they could give me a hefty fine and take my remote border crossing permit.
Reminds me of the time I emptied my elk rifle magazine after an out of state hunt and put the cartridges in my overnight toiletries kit for the two day drive home.

A couple weeks later I head to the Oakland airport for a weekend Steelhead fishing trip when I get pulled aside at the TSA x-ray. County deputy pulls out one of my cartridges and asks if I know what that is. I admitted I did and that it was from my elk hunt a couple weeks prior. He quizzed me on what caliber it was and where I was elk hunting. He let me go but for a minute I thought I was going to be downtown answering questions...

Lord knows how many pocket knives I've donated to TSA as well.
Another American tourist from Florida was arrested on Monday for having ammo in her luggage.
I don't get it, do these people live under a rock? With all the attention this has gotten how have they not heard of this?
Man, I hate the situation they’re in. T&C is off my travel list.

As always, the main thing I want (granted, foolishly) from people offering their opinions on it, be that HTers, politicians, news outlets, etc., is consistency. You can’t say one thing (for or against) about a black lesbian basketball player with cannabis oil in Russia and flip all of a sudden when it’s white Christian men with ammo in Turks and Caicos. Whatever your position, maintain it and have the intellectual honesty and personal integrity to call it the same both ways. That’s the thing that drives me crazy.

These guys are paying the hefty tuition on the lesson for all of us in this one: triple check your bags when flying, especially when you’re going into another country. I hope they are reunited with their families soon. ☹️
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Man, I hate the situation they’re in. T&C is off my travel list.

As always, the main thing I want (granted, foolishly) from people offering their opinions on it, be that HTers, politicians, news outlets, etc., is consistency. You can’t say one thing (for or against) about a black lesbian basketball player with cannabis oil in Russia and flip all of a sudden when it’s white Christian men with ammo in Turks and Caicos. Whatever your position, maintain it and have the intellectual honesty and personal integrity to call it the same both ways. That’s the thing that drives me crazy.

These guys are paying the hefty tuition on the lesson for all of us in this one: triple check your bags when flying, especially when you’re going into another country. I hope they are reunited with their families soon. ☹️
As I have read through these comments I had similar thoughts. I have seen bleeding heart libs on here show such a double standard on issues. Lots of leniency on some issues but double down the judgement when it comes to issues with others with opposite views. Seems equality and tolerance is reserved only for those you agree with. In our world today that type of hypocrisy is par for the course.
When it was the WNBA player it was all about "hope she's home soon". But with these fellow hunters the attitude seems to be more like a "do the crime, do the time" type mindset with little mercy.
As I have read through these comments I had similar thoughts. I have seen bleeding heart libs on here show such a double standard on issues. Lots of leniency on some issues but double down the judgement when it comes to issues with others with opposite views. Seems equality and tolerance is reserved only for those you agree with. In our world today that type of hypocrisy is par for the course.
When it was the WNBA player it was all about "hope she's home soon". But with these fellow hunters the attitude seems to be more like a "do the crime, do the time" type mindset with little mercy.
My view is: travel out of country have your chit together.

Doesn't take much effort to be squared away.
And, lest we forget (or not know), one of the key folks who travelled there and got them out was...John Fetterman. A year ago he couldn't complete a sentence.
And, lest we forget (or not know), one of the key folks who travelled there and got them out was...John Fetterman. A year ago he couldn't complete a sentence.
Hey, don’t be hijacking the rabbit hole I was sending this thread down with a different rabbit hole! 😂
I have seen bleeding heart libs on here show such a double standard on issues. Lots of leniency on some issues but double down the judgement when it comes to issues with others with opposite views.
Hopefully you’re recognizing the exact thing from the other side as well: “Do the crime, do the time, should have known better” with Griner, and not saying the same thing here.
My point was both sides do it. Hypocrisy and double standards are the convenient standard practice for everyone.
Did they have their legal funding squared away ahead of time? Just curious.
Thats what public land hunters are for that care about access, if only obviously.

I'm also inclined to believe there is a bit more than significant difference between contacting the wygf and sheriffs office prior to crossing a corner versus not being able to clean your luggage out.

Not withstanding one is a statutory violation of another countries law and one resides in a legal gray area, at best.

Due diligence was exercised in one case and clearly not in the other.
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My view is: travel out of country have your chit together.

Doesn't take much effort to be squared away.
No problem, I agree, have it together when you leave the country however that's not my point.
My point is the double standard held by the liberals both in the Whitehouse as well as on this forum.
Rules for thee and not for me kinda thing.
Griner-- hey she's an American I hope she's home soon. While we trade her for Russian military and leave some of our own military to stay in jail.

Hunters facing 12 years--no slack, should've had it together more and nothing about hope they're home soon.
No problem, I agree, have it together when you leave the country however that's not my point.
My point is the double standard held by the liberals both in the Whitehouse as well as on this forum.
Rules for thee and not for me kinda thing.
Griner-- hey she's an American I hope she's home soon. While we trade her for Russian military and leave some of our own military to stay in jail.

Hunters facing 12 years--no slack, should've had it together more and nothing about hope they're home soon.
I don't know who you're referring to, but again, Griner knew the rules and got pinched the same as the hunters.

Get it together or pay the man.

Not more complicated than that, you're trying way too hard to make it something it's not. Not everything is a gdamn liberal conspiracy...
I don't know who you're referring to, but again, Griner knew the rules and got pinched the same as the hunters.

Get it together or pay the man.

Not more complicated than that, you're trying way too hard to make it something it's not. Not everything is a gdamn liberal conspiracy...
I don't think he is referring to you everyone knows you don't play favorites with your lack of empathy. If I had to guess your kids probably got swirlies if they left the toilet seat up.