Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Successfully Drew Colorado Sheep Unit S32

Anyone get the coordinates from him on those Unlimited rams before he left? Asking for a friend...
Going to close the loop on this thread. Greerkr must have turned his ewe tag in to go antelope hunting. Earlier this summer I got a call from an acquaintance formally with WSF. He said he knew the family of a young man who got a call about a turned back ewe tag from the CPW he asked if I could help them. It was this same season and tag as the OP of this thread. I ended up connecting with the hunter and his father. We quickly figured out that the father and I grew up 20 miles from each other on the east coast and our Mothers actually knew each other. Small world for sure. We talked several times over the summer and discussed areas to check out and places to find sheep. The season started Saturday they didn't see any sheep. We met up and and we actually spent most of Sunday together glassing for sheep for them and an elk for me. They are great guys and hunted hard. It call came together for them after I put an arrow on a map after they decided to take a long hike to a hidden basin we had not been able to glass. A wise sheep hunter once told me- "If haven't seen any sheep -Now you've figured out where they aren't" They texted this morning "Mid Stalk" The next pic was of a dented primer. The next pic was of a dead sheep. I'm glad Greerkr went antelope hunting I made some new friends for sure.

Did you have a ram or ewe tag in S33? I have a ewe tag in there this year. Not sure if I talked to you on another thread too.
He hasn't been on here in several months, but I can tell you he had a ewe in the other half of the unit that you do.

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