Successfully Drew Colorado Sheep Unit S32

However, hunting for me is as much about the experience and the people I share it with.

Hopefully your buddies hold the same values and will help you connect on a sheep, good luck on your, my friend drew a sheep tag across the highway from yours and we already have 4 guys on board for his scouting and hunting.
I see @greerkr drew ewe tag. I certainly think that is a doable in a few days with help or even solo. I picked up a ewe tag off the leftover list last year with 2 days left in the season . I was able to get it done by myself in a unit much further from Denver and much harder to access then S32 in about 29 hours purchase to tag punch.

A late arriving edit to introductory post to add in the MINOR? detail that it is a ewe tag? HaHA I was right, then. This is at a joke thread created to pull our leg and bait us with crazy talk of abandoning a ram hunt to go antelope camping. Well done and our leg was pulled! Does not matter but wonder if the OP fat fingered his app and meant to apply for ram cuz $2,200 for a ewe tag two states away is quite rare. And draw odds are usually 100% with only a point or so, because you know $2200 to drive across the united states to ewe hunt is a rare hunt goal. My first sheep hunt was backpacking for ewe and learned a lot in the process to help prepare for ensuing ram hunts. And harvested amazing sheep meat.
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@Khunter I did leave the ewe part out not realizing the rather large discrepancy that would cause... I am new to the sheep game and as green as it comes... I decided to cash my points in for CO sheep because of the huge mountain to climb in the points game. I am acquiring points in other states as well as playing lotteries and raffles to draw a ram. Plus being a MT resident I have good odds of drawing a ram tag in the next 10 years..
And I do get after it for ELK and DEER Backpacking in and going deep. Just never for Sheep..
A late arriving edit to introductory post to add in the MINOR? detail that it is a ewe tag? HaHA I was right, then. This is at a joke thread created to pull our leg and bait us with crazy talk of abandoning a ram hunt to go antelope camping. Well done and our leg was pulled! Does not matter but wonder if the OP fat fingered his app and meant to apply for ram cuz $2,200 for a ewe tag two states away is quite rare. And draw odds are usually 100% with only a point or so, because you know $2200 to drive across the united states to ewe hunt is a rare hunt goal. My first sheep hunt was baxkpacking for ewe and learned a lot in the process to help prepare for ensuing ram hunts. And harvested amazing sheep meat.

The OP Insta feed clearly shows he is up to the task and wish him well. #realmeankilltheirfood and #keephammering seems to be the regular inspirational mantra as in below. I need to up my Insta game, all I use it for it posting kittens I find on the internet.

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Gunning for full Regina George status
@Khunter I did leave the ewe part out not realizing the rather large discrepancy that would cause... I am new to the sheep game and as green as it comes... I decided to cash my points in for CO sheep because of the huge mountain to climb in the points game. I am acquiring points in other states as well as playing lotteries and raffles to draw a ram. Plus being a MT resident I have good odds of drawing a ram tag in the next 10 years..
And I do get after it for ELK and DEER Backpacking in and going deep. Just never for Sheep..

I get it and truly wish you best of luck. We all covet cool hunt opportunities and you have one. Last post was just razzing you a bit. I am a ewe and cow moose, cow elk and doe antelope Freezer filler hunter plenty often along with trying to kill big animals I rarely succeed at. you are in for a very cool experience. Will be a lot of sheep hunters in your area you will enjoy rubbing elbows with. Carry on with your prep and ask for help with the ewe tag and you will get it. Now you know talking about lope hunting in same sentece as sheep makes the average hunt fanatic cringe, lesson learned.

If you can stomach the fees, Colo cow moose is a great, super easy draw for nonres too. Have killed two and will takle a tag every chance I get. Usually see more bulls than cows.

Do you have a phone skope or similar digiscoping setup? A great thing to have to preserve memories of the rams you hopefully see.

Dumbest thing I did with my ewe hunt was not doing a euro on the skull. Got tired of it sitting in freezer and did not yet know back in 2003? how easy it is to DIY a euro and tossed it.
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@Khunter I have looked into the Cow tag in Colo but have not actually applied for it yet... Still playing the points game for a bull but I should be utilizing the second choices. And I actually just invested in a new Vortex Spotter.

If anybody is planning on doing the unlimited sheep tag in MT HMU I have seen multiple rams in those units.. Check these dudes out.


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EFE13420-946E-41AD-A48F-7CF366711965.jpeg@Khunter plus their showing up in all kinds of weird spots... last year if I’d had a tag I could have killed a cow in the PJ. This photo is after she came down the hill and ran into the pivot field.
Congrats on the tag, it should be a fun hunt. I think with a little effort you'll easily be successful.

IMO if you have hunted mule deer or elk you are more than adequately prepared to hunt sheep.
looks like his tag is for a ewe. Ewe bighorn is some of the best meat I’ve ever had. Ram is a little different but it’s definitely still better than antelope, not that that’s saying much.
@Khunter I did leave the ewe part out not realizing the rather large discrepancy that would cause... I am new to the sheep game and as green as it comes... I decided to cash my points in for CO sheep because of the huge mountain to climb in the points game. I am acquiring points in other states as well as playing lotteries and raffles to draw a ram. Plus being a MT resident I have good odds of drawing a ram tag in the next 10 years..
And I do get after it for ELK and DEER Backpacking in and going deep. Just never for Sheep..
TEN YEARS?? Where in montana can you draw a ram tag in ten years?? I know guys that have put in for over 30 years and never drew. I drew my one and only after 16 years, and was damn fortunate at that! Good luck with that mindset, and by the way....Welcome
I would argue against that although so far they are my two favorites! Seems like some people either hate them or love them.
Haha... totally talking outa my ass. I havnt killed or ate lope meat since i was in highschool. We ate an 11 yr old bighorn from ND a couple years ago and it was the worst meat ive tasted.

but this whole thread is crazy. Id go sheep huntin over goat hunting anyday of the week.
May 2021:

"Hey guys, I pulled a Henry Mountains rifle mule deer tag."

Five days later it gets edited to include one small detail change....

"Hey guys, I pulled a Henry Mountains rifle mule deer DOE tag."
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