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Story behind the name......

Mine is out of respect to my grandparents and husband. My grandparents fled Europe in World War One, but my grandmother continued to educate us about the continent. My husband got tired of my whining and took me to and traveled thru, Europe with me. I loved it. I enjoyed every country, but Spain, Austria, and Italy were my favorites. For a while it was a toss up on where we would buy a home in Europe. But then we visited The Canaries and I was hooked.

Most here are aware that I am back in the States, but since I post so little ( except on Fridays ) (-: I saw no reason to change it.

But if I did :

6.5 x 55
Coues Huntress
Grand Canyon

maybe "sidecarsally" "hippo intruder" "horse with no name" in honor of those times in my life when I thought my life might be coming to an end ;)
I started out with my initials. Then, a colorful outfitter from WY was posting about how non of the non-resident greenhorns had any business in the wilderness. My feedback got me banned. I reregistered as greenhorn.
So @30”Tall is my true calling…. Man I really wanted to switch to something that wasn’t tell-tale…
When I first signed on, “ashersdad” was posting regularly, and since I have three kids, I went with my state, and the fact that I’m a father.

(I find it very satisfying that he just posted his story minutes before I added my post)
My Mom's family is mostly Swede and Norwegian. My Dad's side is mostly Finn, with a slight bit of Swede. If you spend time in northern MN, you will come to learn that the Finns are the brunt of all ethnic jokes. They were the last to land in MN, so all the good jobs were taken by the Swedes and Norwegians. Thus the old statement, "Get a Finn to do it. Those dumb bastards will do anything."

Never missing a chance to ridicule me, my Mom's two youngest brothers, both of whom were close to my age, my Finn heritage became a prime target for them to make sure I understood that their Norwegian and Swede mix was far superior to my Finn mongrelism.

I quickly sprouted past them in size. By the time I was age 8 and they were 9 and 11, I was three or four inches taller. I thus became nicknamed by them as "The Big Finn." Then they started making Tom Sawyer jokes of me, as my Dad had a serious drinking problem, the same as Twain's fictional Huckleberry Finn. At times I was also known as "Huck." When I would catch fish, they would call my catch "The Big Fins," making a joke on the words.

When @Moosie started this forum, I had just come back from a trip to Alaska, where these uncles now live. Time had passed, but to them I am still "The Big Finn." So, with that name still fresh in my mind, that is the handle I started using here, albeit, spelled slightly differently.

To those college roommates that spent time with me, and these two uncles also as roommates, I am often referred to simply as "Finn."

Not sure if the handle makes any sense 20 years after joining the forum, but like a lot of names, once you go with it, that's what you're stuck with. So, Big Fin it is. Thanks to my Mom's brothers, Jimmer (Gregory James) and Boog (David Wayne).
I am nearly 80 years old...thus the name. I have had an incredible life and completed my bucket list...except... I never took the time to get my Stones sheep. Got my first deer @13 and my first elk @ 14. Been blessed to hunt Africa (several times but did not enjoy it so the last trips were just game drives). Alaska & BC and the Yukon are my favorite memories. Have enjoyed Randy's work from the begining of his shows. I was blessed to have lived in the "good ol days" of the outdoors.

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