Story behind the name......

When I was a young child, my grandfather moved in and lived with us for a while. He liked to watch Gomer Pyle. One day on the school bus think it was, I said something about it called one of my friends Gomer Pyle and then my friend Trevor started calling me that. It just kind of caught on. I actually ran into a friend of mine‘s little brother about a month ago and he told me that until about a year ago he thought that Gomer was my legal name.

I just picked it for a name on here because I’m bad at picking names for things like this.
Mine is easy. My last name is Goucher. I was known only as Gouch from grade school all the way through high school, then when I joined the army, everyone referred to me as Gouch even though they didn't know that that was my previous nickname. Until shortly before I got out, then all the new recruits called me specialist Goucher. that just felt weird.
When I joined this forum, I tried to use a different profile. One that I had used on other forums in the past, but it said that profile was already in use. Then about a year later I saw some threads referring to some guy named Moosie and I realized that I had already joined this forum back before I went on a hiatus from the internet. So, I now have two profiles and if I ever want to cause some trouble on here, I can do it from an alter ego.
1st name is Henry, only officially. Mom called me Hank.
When I was in MT in 75' I asked my crew if I could go elk hunting before I left, Mike said lets take Hank elk hunting, he has a hankering to go. We did and I got an elk.
Now I kind of live with them.
And no one knows my real name, too many alias' between grade school and the Navy to settle on one.
Initials only on my name tags. My name is too long.
Besides, most everyone called me what they wanted anyway. I don't know who they are talking to anymore.
Works for me.
While I was competing in The World’s Strongest and Most Handsome Man Championships in Santorini, there was a bus full of bikini babes that crashed into the stadium and caught fire. The rest of the competitors and I rushed out to the scene, but each of the others cowered at the sight of the flames and the screams of the trapped ladies. All alone, with my hands of The World’s Strongest and Most Handsome Man, I popped the emergency hatch and rescued each of the babes. After the smoke had cleared, the competition’s panel of judges crowned me champion. The name of the award is the rtraverdavis award.

That, or it’s just my name.
R. Traver Davis.
And this @Greenhorn guy? Does he have a horn? Did he kill an animal with a green horn? I would not think by the posts and pictures that I have read of his that you would define him as a greenhorn newbie hunter.

Things that make you go hmmmmm
FYI the horn is actually black he posted a picture here once.
While I was competing in The World’s Strongest and Most Handsome Man Championships in Santorini, there was a bus full of bikini babes that crashed into the stadium and caught fire. The rest of the competitors and I rushed out to the scene, but each of the others cowered at the sight of the flames and the screams of the trapped ladies. All alone, with my hands of The World’s Strongest and Most Handsome Man, I popped the emergency hatch and rescued each of the babes. After the smoke had cleared, the competition’s panel of judges crowned me champion. The name of the award is the rtraverdavis award.

That, or it’s just my name.
R. Traver Davis.
You're an English teacher aren't you.....
When we were kids we thought we were bad ass. So we started a group of guys that camped and fished and hunted etc... to officially be part of the group we had a spot way back in on some state gamelands that you had to hike to with nothing but fire starter and a sleeping bag in the winter and build an igloo and stay the night. Anyways we were the hilljackoutlaws. We terrorized the town with window decals and beat up trucks. I was HJO 002 there was 9 of us total and a few honorary "girlfriends" members. Let's just say sleeping bags in the winter are much warmer with 2 people.
When we were kids we thought we were bad ass. So we started a group of guys that camped and fished and hunted etc... to officially be part of the group we had a spot way back in on some state gamelands that you had to hike to with nothing but fire starter and a sleeping bag in the winter and build an igloo and stay the night. Anyways we were the hilljackoutlaws. We terrorized the town with window decals and beat up trucks. I was HJO 002 there was 9 of us total and a few honorary "girlfriends" members. Let's just say sleeping bags in the winter are much warmer with 2 people.

Folks we have a new leader....


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