Story behind the name......

When I was in middle school, I came up with my gaming handle "stealthbomber" that came from my fascination of the plane and its ability to attack undetected. Much like a hunter and how he hopes to be to its prey. This handle lasted a few months and was quickly changed to just seeth because my best friend kept calling me "seethbomber". Totally missed the t and the l. By end of high school, it's the name everyone knew me by.
np - initials

307 - maybe the only person on a hunting forum with '307' that isn't a reference to Wyoming. When I was in high school, for some reason I decided to start responding to every time someone asked what time it was with '3:07'. Absolutely no idea why. Eventually it just became the number I used for usernames. It wasn't until much later that I even visited Wyoming or started hunting.
My grandpa used to call me shangobango when I was young. He started it when I killed my first deer at 8. He was quite the character. I can still hear him yelling that name and blowing his grunt call to wake me for morning deer hunts or yelling it and gobbling and yelping if it was turkey hunting.

I later found out that there was a mythological voodoo character or god by that name that is related to thunder and lightning. I am sure my grandpa had no idea.

It is surprising how many places on the interweb that I get the old “ that user name is taken” measage when signing up for something.
Many many years ago, I was in field training when I got sent to a possible home invasion in progress. I accidentally drove by the house and didn’t want to park with my back to the house so I went down the block and turned around. My buddy, who was coming to back me up, pulled up and asked “you doing a little Recon first or what?”
Since then everyone called me Recon and my call sign is “6036”
Stupid….I know. Damn Cops!
Mine comes from my old dog, a McNab shepherd pup I found in the newspaper classifieds (that's how people sold things before Craigslist...). He only really liked me and one other roommate I had before I got married, he barely tolerated my wife. What a great dog...

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Only 30-some years ago, 2,800 sq miles of the mountain range in Montana I call home were unnamed. The state geologist, a Montanan named Edward Ruppel, came along and named them - officially proposing and ultimately registering the name, with the United States Board of geographic names.

And yet, Montana still has Nameless Ranges - Large piles of mountains on which the map has no toponym - Dozens of miles of the continental divide. Folks have tried to change that, and have failed and been rejected, and so some mountains and their range remain void of designation.

And I think that’s cool.
Nickname from a friend/play on my actual name. Wish I’d chosen better
PEAX Trekking Poles

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