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Storing Pictures


New member
Mar 14, 2007
Wondering how everyone keeps digital pictures stored and organized? I have a bunch of cd's and dvd's(of pictures) but, its always a pain when I try to find what I'm looking for. I guess its my fault for not labeling them better but wondering how everyone else does it.

Also don't currently use an online photo storage site and wondering what a good one is?

Sometimes I miss my old 35mm camera and waiting for them to be developed. Though I sure can take alot more easier with my digital.
My personal computer (installed new hard drive with extra memory) and an external hard drive at work. Don't rely on a single piece of equipment or two that are kept in the same place.
I've got mine on a thumb drive arranged in folders. I label the folders with a subject and date. Very quick and convenient when looking for a particular photo. Most are also on the hard drive of my pc.
Keep mine on an external hard drive. Labeled by year/critter/state.

Try to print out a hundred or so hard copies for annual albums, but have gotten a bit lazy the last couple year.
Backups are a must, and as mdunc8 said, keep them in separate places. Unfortunately, digital files can become corrupt over time for a variety of reasons. As the recording industry is starting to experience, the advances we have enjoyed via technology and the resulting resistance to having a hard copy of files, can come back and bite you in the butt. Lots of music file recorded in the last couple of decades are eroding and being lost.

One thing to keep in mind when storing the media is file formats--jpegs are "lossy files"--they lose some of the file information and it's best to save as a jpeg only after you've done any color correction etc, so you don't risk magnifying compression artifacts. If you save in a lossless format, like tiff, the files take considerably more room.

I don't know if that really helped you, Mac7. I really only excel at muddying issues. :)
Back up on Seagate external hard drive that goes back and forth to safe deposit box. Photos, pics of everything in the house that has a serial number, etc. Kind of a pain to keep updated, but you never know when a hard drive is going to crash, somebody comes in and wipes you out, fire or anything else.
Been going through pics on and off today. Looks like I have alot to figure out. Have always been slow too except the new ways but have figure out if I don't I'll be left behind. Will keep at it and hope to post some pics up soon as that was partly my intention on getting organized. Thankyou everyone who has replied so far.
Going to take awhile to get them organized, its easy to get sidetracked looking at them and remembering trips. But wanted to play around with posting them so here is one of many camp fire pics.


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I have an external back up that is slow. 1 terrabyte.

But I have My Photos organized into various subjects, Family, Kids, Hunting, then subdivided by year with file names as month year seq. number.jpg. it makes it easier to find specific photos.

I use Picasa for my editing and I am considering using it as my online storage backup.