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Starting to get my bear bait collected

Ten Bears

New member
May 20, 2004
North Idaho
Starting to get my bear bait collected for the spring hunt.

MOOSIE lernt me so good last fall on how to place bear bates. I'ma gonna have atleast one bait site out this spring. :D :D
Nothing funner than gettin a good bear bait going and then gettin them dang ol bears hittin it. It's a lot of work to haul all the grub up to those bottomless walking stomachs, but it is all worth it... We had a ball getting pics from our trail camera...Even got a white two legged thing on ours wearing camo and packing a bow...That was pretty funny...
Good luck...
10-bears, I hear you guys have bears (and 400+ ones to boot) around every corner up there. I'm getting fired up too. Haven't really started collecting yet, but the time is soon !!!!!


I've kilt a few 200+, and at least one 300+, but this baiting is a blast. I hope to have my new trail camera (digital) this spring too. :) :)
I'm gonna give the bears a try for the first time since my kids were born.

The collecting is going well so far I have scored like 250lbs. of oats and 300 lbs. of Carmel sauce. I hope they like it, or I'm gonna have trouble unloading it after the season. :confused:
Seems like I better get ready also,but I think our bears come out later than ya'lls bears.And what type of materials do you all use that have been successful? I have a bud down south that swear by skittles,but aint that a little rich for the pocket? Mostly dog food,anise,and molasses is what I use.
Daniel,I have used fish and beef scraps with good results. Now though, it's easier for me to come by candy and the bulk products that are used to make candy. I'm glad to hear that Skittles have worked for your buddy, because I was starting to worry that my stuff might be too sweet...if that's possible?
Moosie is so good to the bears, he even gives them art to look at while they are dining. :D

KoolAid--its cheap and when concentrated it has an intense sweet smell that carries.

Grape, Cherry and Orange are supposed to work best.

Mix one presweetened canister into 1 gallon of hot water to make a syrup. Pour on or around your bait or hang the jug and poke a couple of holes for a slow release effect.

Going to try it this year
any bear baiters in boise area.

anybody use cow carcasses? I just got cow rib sections from a meat packing plant and i can arrange to get some more if anyone interested.... Also if anyone wants to contact SSI in wilder , i was told that they give free hamburger meat away in their bins.9 out of every 10 bears prefer Krispy Kreme Donuts?Hey moosie i see you made Grandpa do all the
What was funny with our bait, was that they would go thru the bait pile and push the meat scraps, hot dogs, and fish scraps out of the way and wouldn't eat them unless there was nothing else left. They even waited until the end to eat the dog food. They would go nuts over the sweets, but didn't really get into the meats unless there were no sweets around... For any of you experienced "master" "baiters", why would they do that? I thought they would go nuts over all the hot dogs, fish, and sausages, but they could have cared less. They had them scattered all over the place.....
Hope we get to do it again this year!!!!
A place I hunted in canada baited only with donuts......and they loved it. it was really great to sit in stand and have the aroma come up to you.
Must be the sugar--

Here in AK during good berry years, bears will leave salmon streams in favor of hillside thick with berries. Bears apparantly have an enzyme that allows them to convert sugar to fat more efficiently than even fat to fat.
Antler Rick, I'm not buying the sale on them not eating the meat. MAybe you have some Veggie bears there ?!?!

Tell you what, I'll do a test this year with Meat bread Rolled oats, and dogfood. We'll put it to the test :)

Just talked to a buddytoday on this matter... It's getting close !!! Yippee !!
Hey Moosie...It really surprised me too. We put out a lot of different things just to be sure we had something there they liked. We wondered WTF when we got up there one day and all the salmon slabs, hot dogs, sausages, and meat scraps were scattered all over on the ground and not eaten, but the donuts and sweets were gone. We had so much stuff there that they probably got full on the donuts and didn't have room for the meat, but it never got eaten until we quit baiting for a few days (a hint received here at hunttalk ;) ) to try and get them to come in during the daylight hours, and the other stuff was gone. The dog food, soaked in drink syrup was the last to go. When we went back in a day later to clean it up after my boy killed, it was hard to find any scraps of anything! I kind of believe it was the "too many donuts" theory myself..Keep us posted as to what happens as you bait... We're hoping to get another permit this year, but no bonus points, so it will probably be a year or two before that happens...:(
PS love your bait artwork...You are GOOD!!!
but did it help attract the bruins????
I'd think the cubs would gather around that "art" and the grownups would stay away!! LMAO...
I had a big pile of fish that got rotten and was just a hot pile of maggots, so many you couldn't even see the meat, it made me want to hurl to even get near it, let alone smell it. :eek: Well, after I stopped putting out fresh stuff they ate the maggot pile down to the dirt and all the scat left around had nothing but maggot casings in them. They will eat some sick stuff. :eek:

I feel the bears go for what gives them the most energy. I start my site out with bread and donuts then after about 3 weeks kick over to the meat scraps. On my sites I try to cut down on any bones if I can as they will carry them off and chew on them till dark. They wont come in till dark if they have bones to chew on up in the trees. I have found alot of bones up in the trees around where you see them lay. All gnawed up. Plus I also feel they are trying to clean out there system in the spring so try and stay away from meat scraps till there sytem is cleaned out.
Great post and good luck all.
The grease you can hit almost any fast food restuarant and they will give it to you. Hit the smaller ones though. Not Mc donalds or Burger king but the smaller ones.

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