Caribou Gear Tarp

Starting to get my bear bait collected

Different bait for different sites

I have found that you need a variety of bait when starting up in the spring as sometimes they just hit the meat or just bread and pastries .
The one ingredient that will work at anytime ( atleast in my experience ) is strawberries .
Remember in spring bears need to clean out and seems that in most my cases they will go for the fruit first ripe cantalope and ripe strawberries have worked best for me and everyone that I know of .
I have had baits where they will not touch anything but sweets and fruit and baits where meat was the ticket.
My experience is that very old or young and sows with cubs seem to like the breads better than meat .
While the mature (boars especialy) liked a good portion of meat with fruits and pastries as a snack .
Now for starting a bait especially a new site is very important weather it be nasty or sweet smelling just a good atractor .
Use tons of cooking grease and make a good pad all the way around the site as often in the spring the bears come in but never touch the bait just check it out for future reference . But with that big grease pad he will be tracking the smell of your bait all over leaving a map back to your bait .
Honey burns and bacon grease burns work well also as they put out a lot of scent into the trees , especially a burn with grease as the smoke will lay a cover of scent and breezes will take that scent out for a long period of time .
There are many tricks to baiting and some will work in some areas and others will not also times can play a big role as to what will work .
Hope all have a super spring bear season .
If anyone over here in eastern Idaho

Needs any help getting started let me know as I might be willing to point you in the right direction , maybe even turn over a good bait site that I might not take care of myself this year .
I have a couple areas that have very good bears on them but they are a little ways for me and I dont have the funds to keep them baited.
Any how if interested let me know .