Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Starting side business

I purchased a few things that I would maybe invest in for rental equipment, we'll see if they are worth a crap. I'm trying to gauge the startup cost and how much ill need to blow in order to get decent equipment and how much i would need to charge for rentals to make it worth while.

Hopefully this stuff i got doesnt suck otherwise it may get pricy haha
I can probably get some caddis boats pretty cheaply too and they take up little space when deflated that would be a good option to start with until we can get a larger space setup in the back yard. This gives me a bunch of ideas to get this going with little overhead.
I've always thought a good seasonal "hustle" for extra cash would be setting up some kind of portable dog kennel near a park that has dog restrictions. I know we would have used this sort of service. Tourist could stop, drop off their dog for the day and pick it up later. Maybe you could have portable kennels with little dog houses in them...., walk the dogs and such.
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