Stainless steel rifle- does one really need one?

Not all stainless is the same.

Different grades of stainless will have different corrosion properties.

I would still treat a stainless steel gun like a blue gun.

Oil, do not store in gun cases, etc.
Value added practicality and looks IMO. De-humidify the safe, silicone wipe and barricade patch the rifling, rinse and repeat. Same for the purty blues & walnuts.
I had to pressure wash my rifle last weekend. Glad it was stainless/synthetic, not sure how Tung Oil would have held up.

I have about 50/50 in the safe. On long hunts I pack stainless, on short hunts I'll pack blue/wood. If everything is sealed up and well oiled or waxed its not an issue. There are lots of "oil" or rust preventative products out there that work quite well.

Also the finish with blueing has a LOT to do with how easily they will rust. A mat finished blued rifle will rust in Arizona...