Well-known member
I also had the same reaction when I read this. I lived in St Maries for a couple of years in the eighties. Twenty-three years of "investigating" complaints? More like twenty-three years of ignoring them. I won't be singing the praises of local law enforcement if it took them that long to shut him down. Hauling a poached goat across state lines undoubtedly got the feds involved and they lit a fire under local LE that couldn't be ignored any longer.
One morning I introduced a new chapter to my ninth grade St Maries HS students, "Today we start the unit on ecology." Danny jumps to his feet at the back of the room: "I ain't putting up with that! My dad says them damn ecologists are communists!" Hmmm. Okay, what's a communist? After a moment Danny responds, "An ecologist." His dad died in a logging accident earlier in the year so there was no point debating further. I sent Danny to the office and let the principle try to reason with him. Didn't work. That kid really had a lot of promise as a wrestler but after his dad died he easily slid between the cracks in that community. Very sad.
Again, it wasn't hard to find where this poacher lives. A real estate ad with 39 photos revealed a three story rustic style home full of shoulder mounts and a large shop (containing classic Mercedes) with stocked trout pond out front (one photo of him dumping a bucket of fish into the lake). Coward is apparently doing well for himself. The stiff fine was appropriate. His broken up jail sentence allows for some "unintentional" sloppiness in enforcing it. I hope someone keeps an eye on local LE to make sure he does his time.
It seems like you should be able to understand how difficult it would be to build up a case when you are familiar with the locals views. The CO for that area is covering 948 sq miles, others nearby are covering similar areas. I was at a F&G meeting this past year and there was a brief overview of the enforcement division. I don't recall the exact numbers but there are only a handful of investigators covering the state and they travel to assist on different violations. On top of hunting and fishing COs need to cover other outdoor recreation enforcement. I met the CO covering the St Maries area at a educational event last spring for elementary students. My understanding is that they end up supporting local LE more than local LE supports them. I have 5 different CO cell #s saved in my phone for the areas I frequent and send them coordinates and pics of shady activity when I find it. I can't imagine how much time they spend sorting through the tips they get.
It seems common that people in rural areas that are otherwise supportive of LE are anti CO/Game Wardens. This was also my experience while growing up and living in different areas of rural MN before moving to Idaho so it wasn't too surprising. Not too hard to find memes about game wardens or "fish cops" on hunting social media.
In a recent BHA podcast Hal Herring interviewed Tony Latham a retired game warden from Idaho that did a lot of undercover work. Huge numbers of elk, moose and deer killed by some of these poachers. Also talked about overhearing some hunters discuss murdering him while he was in the backcountry. I don't remember the exact quote, but one of the guys was a local teacher and he confronted him about what he said. A good listen:

BHA Podcast & Blast, Ep. 117: Undercover Game Warden Tony Latham
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is the voice for our wild public lands, waters and wildlife.