Kenetrek Boots

Squirrels because why not?

Side note- did you fractal burn the wood on that thing?
My son did it for me. My granddad gave me this 20ga for Christmas when I was 13. It was time for a stock refinish and we thought the fractal burn would be unique. I was pleased with how it turned out. Nice hunting with both of those generations with me.



The next day I hunted with the first gun I ever shot: my mom's old Ruger 10/22. The bounty wasn't quite as large, but just as enjoyable.
Love it! Peaceful walk on a backwoods trail, punctuated by the occasional "bang!" Then lunch. My favorite is to leave for a short overnighter on a local sea island. Set up tent then go hunt supper. The ritual of everything this entails is revitalizing.

"Revitalize": verb
imbue (something) with new life and vitality.

Try doing it with dogs.Lots of fun. We have fox squirrels. Did it for three years.Killed 200 a year. Used ruger 10/22s with target hammers. Tried to shoot them all in the head. If you want a 22 to shoot good try every different brand of ammo you can get your hands on. Shoot off the bench at 30 yards and you’ll see the differences in groups between different ammo.Two different 10/22s and they each liked different ammo.
Gotta love squirrel hunting! It’s how I started hunting, still love getting out. Late season squirrels can be hard to find/hunt around here. But early season they are everywhere.
I just started squirrel hunting, unfortunately all I got was red squirrel or "Fox Squirrel" which have little to no meat on them. I hope to someday get a a good grey haul like all of these!
I just started squirrel hunting, unfortunately all I got was red squirrel or "Fox Squirrel" which have little to no meat on them. I hope to someday get a a good grey haul like all of these!
Red squirrels and Fox squirrels are different. Fox squirrels are generally a lot bigger IME.