Houndsmen should be pretty effective at removing bears. Like all hunting there will be hound guys shooting everything in the tree. Typically more experienced hound hunters would prefer to let some animals free but take out some older age class boars. Someplaces we hunt we shoot a lot more bears because the population is extremely high in other areas not so much because seems like not as many. You can be a lot more selective with hounds than spot and stalk where sometimes it’s “crap there’s a bear shoot it ! “ type scenario. Hounds will not be the silver bullet of all bear management. Like anything it will have its advantages but it will pose some problems and have some disadvantages. The best benefit will be just another tool for Montana to use to manage a predator and that will help out the deer and elk in the long run. There’s certain areas Idaho that spot and stalk is not very effective just way too thick but hounds are a good option. It’s not a perfect or superior method it’s just another approach or method and that alone will help management.There seems to be contradicting arguments here. Will hound hunters kill a lot of bears to help the ungulate population or will they let 99 out of 100 bears walk?
Did anyone suggest not hunting ungulates 6 months out of the year? I'm assuming no, since that subset of hunters prioritizes always taking more from a finite.