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Spring Bear 2023

Planning to actually hunt spring bear for the first time this year after being in ID 6+ years. Always had work or other family obligations get in the way. Will be spending 5-6 days hunting starting May 28 in a 2 bear area. There will be hounds and bait hunters out there but should still be a good time.
Never been serious about bears, but it’s a great time to be in the woods.

I’ll take a rifle for a walk or two with no intention of killing anything, but… if I see a big bear, in a cool color that’s easy to get out. Maybe.
I used to run them with my hounds, but it is far enough away from my house that it is too big of a time commitment with my kids getting older.

Fun animal to chase with dogs, bait, or spot and stalk.

I can do turkey close to the house so I'll likely get out a little for those, but that's not exactly as exciting as walking into a bayed up bruin.
Heading back to central Idaho this year for spring bear. Without giving away the unit, the snotel map SWE for the area is 102-128% above the median and significantly above last year. We hiked in May 8th last year and felt it was a little early. With the additional snowpack I'm trying to time this year's hunt. Thinking about leaving during the 3rd to 4th week of May.

What are people seeing on the ground in central Idaho for snow levels and access?
I’m going out on the opening day with one Leopard hound and try to get a track going, taking a camera and a Turkey shotgun, don’t ever really want to shoot a black bear. Did tree this one last year. The area I’m going to has a lot of turkeys and I’ve seen bear tracks in there. Good luck out there.693813CD-D90A-4149-8599-788967DB2851.jpeg
Should be heading for Idaho the first week of June for a couple of weeks. First spring bear hunt. We've had tags while elk hunting the last few years, but only ran across a sow with cubs.
To early?

The first bear has been spotted in Yellowstone, so it’s about time for the annual Spring Bear thread.

Who’s ready for it? My plans are hunt an area close to home for late April, and try for turkey at the same time. May will put me in prime time for my unit, and then might make a weekend trip up north in June to a 2 tag unit.
Sound like a great plan! This is my first year in Idaho so I wanna use spring bear as practice for the fall. See some country, maybe even kill a bear. I’m north of you, up in Moscow, so we will see where I go.