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Spotting Scope or Telescope to view game?


Active member
Sep 17, 2014
Here's my situation and application. I have a ranch surrounded by National Forest, and 13,000 ft. mountain 5 miles from my home. We see Elk and Deer regularly just looking out the window with binoculars. However I'd like to reach out further than with 8 power binoculars and view game between 3 to 6 miles away. The 13,000 ft. mountain has Elk grazing between timberline and the stone cap, and I wish I could watch them with good enough magnification in the Summer months. When there's snow, I think I could see them with binoculars against the snow background, but they're not there when the snow's deep and they're in lower elevations.
I don't have experience with spotting scopes, but I'm skeptical if they have enough magnification to suit me? So, am I wrong about this? Do you think I'd fare better with a big telescope, and if so, any recommendations? The downside to a telescope is both the cost and the space they take up in the house.
Anyone have experience with this situation?
high end spotting scopes will probably fit the bill.

aren't telescopes in the like 500x range of magnification? i dunno actually 🤷‍♂️

but probably overkill and you'd rather see the animal than a freckle on its *&^%
If you're seeing them with 8x, I'd go with Swaro 15x56 binos. I much prefer looking through binos vs a spotting scope. I've watched javelina miles out with a pair of 15x56

Rent both for a week and see what floats your boat
Interesting. I had my post moderated for providing a link to Swarovski's website that had the details on the spotting scope I mentioned.

I got a notification that my post was moderated for posing a sales link. I checked this link (that the moderation note linked me to) and there is another post that has a link to a rental place. I waited an hour thinking it would most likely be moderated as well but it hasn't been.

Not sure if someone is reporting my posts or exactly what is going on. I thought the link to manufacturers website was acceptable.
I think you just need a good spotter (60X) depending on the type of details you hope to view. Ive looked at elk from a few miles away with a 45x spotter plenty of times and been able to see them well. Also, in a telescope the image is normally upside down or mirrored.
@windymtnman ,

With the elevations stated in your post, I'd guess you live out west.

Nice thing about the western side of the country vs eastern side is the humidity, or rather lack thereof.

Out here once you start upping the magnification, the mirage is a real problem.

For your stated application, I'd go with a decent spotting scope over a pair of binoculars.

You'll get much more detail with the spotter.
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