Yeti GOBOX Collection

Sportsman can make a big differance!


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Bitterroot Valley
The 62nd Montana legislature was a nightmare for many of us as you know. The attacks on sportsman, hunting fishing, and wildlife, were endless. Something like 110 bills had to be either defeated outright, or Vetoed by the Governor. If not for the fierce battle that went on, we would have lost more ground for the things we love.

Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping, (outdoors in general) is a large part of who I am as an individual. I spend all the free time I have pursuing these outdoor activities. It's beyond passion with me.

I'm shudder to think what will become of the outdoor activities I enjoy as my generation ages, and the fighters move on to the big meadow in the sky. I am hoping that out of the ashes of the last legislative session, that's there are others that will stand up and say "WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR FUTURE AS SPORTSMAN". It's not going to be easy, but neither is harvesting an elk 8 miles back in the Anaconda Pintler Wilderness, and packing it out. We all put more effort out hunting, scouting, and prepping for our sports, than we do to ensure it will be there for us, at the level we all desire.

As some of you know, MSA (Montana Sportsman's Alliance) has moved forward in organizing, and is now in the process of raising funds to fight some of our worst enemies. John Brenden had to of been one of the worst in terms of attacks on sportsman and wildlife. (See attachment). There's a gal up there by Scobey running against him and we need to support her efforts, and get her elected.

It's now time for sportsman to put up the green to make things better here in Montana for our future, and our kids future.

Non Residents have a huge stake in this as well. If you are planning to hunt Montana, in the future, we need to get this thing turned around so our game is back to where it belongs. Legislation has been one of the biggest threats to our herds. More elk have died because of the past legislation, than all the preds running around combined.

We're looking for sportsman to step up and send her money to finance her bid to un seat the sportsman's anti Christ.

An individual can contribute up to $160 each and the checks must come from an individual not a corporation. Below is additional information from Julie. It is important that we are able to track how much money we raised. To that end, the checks can either be mailed to Vito Quatraro at 5205 Eclipse Drive, Bozeman, MT. 59715. Let him know your doing it because RW informed you.

Make checks payable to: Julie French for Senate, P.O. Box 356, Scobey, MT 59263. she can accept up to $160 from each person. When you send checks, you need to tell her your occupation and who you work for. Also you will need to add your correct addresses.

One more side to this. We know that he wants the job as Director of the MTFW&P's. We need to send him a clear message that we won't tolerate someone with his background in the those positions anymore.


  • brenden.pdf
    319.1 KB · Views: 185
Wow Shoots, that is some "Wanted" poster you got there.

I predict playing cards with all the culprits names shortly;)

Why and how will he ever get the Directory Position of the MTFWP?

Sounds like another Corey Rossi deal...

I understand that almost anyone would be better suited for the seat he now holds, but what do you know about Julie French, who is running against him?

Before I send some cash, I want to know who it is I'm supporting.


Why and how will he ever get the Directory Position of the MTFWP?

Sounds like another Corey Rossi deal...

I understand that almost anyone would be better suited for the seat he now holds, but what do you know about Julie French, who is running against him?

Before I send some cash, I want to know who it is I'm supporting.


Well I can vouch for Julie French... I've known her for quite a while. Since birth in fact.... She is my mother.

As you might guess, I am a little biased on the subject, but she is definetly one of the people I admire most. I was a little surprised when she first ran for the state house, but i can honestly tell you that I wasn't surprised to see how dedicated she was to serving the people of Montana and to fighting the good fight.

My mom might not be a die hard outdoorsman herself, but she certainly married and raised a couple of them. She is the best ally we could ask for in Helena. Not because she knows it all when it comes to our issues, but because she not only listen to us, she will make sure everyone else in Helena does too.

I just talked to her and at some point I will get her set up with an account here so she can fill you guys in on what she is all about.

Feel like I should say more about her, but right now I have to get back to the Leupold booth here at the RMEF show.... I think some famous TV star is supposed to stop by and sign some autographs ;)

Julie was a representative from up on the Hi Line for a couple of sessions and always stood with us. She's now on the Upland Game Bird Enhancement Program through FWP and has been a great advocate for wild birds and quality bird habitat along.

Not sure if she hunts big game, but she has a good record in supporting hunters and anglers. She's solid.
Julie French has served as MT legislator in the past. I believe you can still find her information somewhere online. One thing I will say about her, is she is certainly not afraid to speak her mind, and not just about the issues she personally cared about. She was a legislator that truly tried to listen to the concerns of the people she was sent to represent, and made herself the voice of those people.

Personally, she's not someone who has necessarily dedicated her life to the sportsman. Nor would I say she fully understands our passion, but few people let alone politicians do. With that said, she is not totally ignorant on the subject either. I can personally guarantee, she has eaten her share of wild game. She knows full well the traditional values hunting has on the families of MT. Her husband has always hunted, and she raised two boys who live to do nothing else! I would certainly consider her a friend of the average everyday sportsman who relies on public lands and the good faith of the ranch and farm community to pursue their passions.

She's always had my support, and will continue to have it. Full disclosure if you haven't figure it out yet.....she's my mother.

----damn looks like the big bro beat me to the punch!----
Shameless bump back to the top, but John Brenden (aka..."sportsman's anti christ", thanks shoots) is bad news for the sportsmen and women of Montana. We have an opportunity to keep him out of Helena next session, but its going to be a dog fight.

If anyone is inclided to contribute, I've attached a link to do so. But more importantly, pass the word along to anyone in the NE corner that votes.
I'm dropping a check in the mail today! It's coming from MSA! Everyone that hunts and fishes should vote for Julie. She's a great gal, and will make a great Senator.
My wife and I will be hosting a fundraiser at our home here in Billings in early July. Going to be some good "wild" eats and a chance to meet Julie. I will post more details as the date of the event gets closer, but if anyone is inclined to attend shoot me a PM.
Anybody that is going to be in the Billings area a week from today on July 9th, is invited to attend my mother, Julie French's, fundraiser that my wife and I will be hosting at our home. It will run from about 5:30 to 7:30. We will be serving some light appetizers (including some alphafa fed Montana grown ELK ;) ) There might even me some Montana brewed beverages available.

Stop buy if you would like to meet Julie, I know she would appreciate your support. I am told that the several of the area state senators and representatives will be attending as well as Govenor Schwietzer.

If anyone is interested in attending, please PM me for my address and directions to the house.

Hope to see a few of you there.
Montana Sportsmen Alliance (MSA) has endorsed Julie French and urge all the sportsmen in Montana to support her. If you have any questions about John Brenden, go to our website, under MSA-PAC and look at the bills Brenden sponsored in the last session. For Montana sportsmen, we consider this to be the number 1 legislative race in 2012. Please take the time to get involved and help Julie get elected.